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Chetan is a Full Stack Software developer. He provides optimize solutions at each and every layer of the Enterprise application right from Front end to back end using demanding next gen technologies.
Worked with renowned software companies like ATCS Inc USA, Mercedes Benz USA, Intel, McAfee, JDA Software Inc, Infosys Limited
Expertise in Java/J2ee, PHP, Laravel, Javacript, Angular JS, JQuery, Html, CSS, Git, Aws, Node
1. Technical consultation to customers
2. Trainer on Java, J2EE, JavaScript and PHP Laravel frameworks, PL/SQL, Cross Platform Mobile App Development
3. Team Conflict resolution. Great Team Player
4. Quick Learner. Ability to adapt & expertise new or unknown technologies very easily and quickly
3. Ux/ Mock up screens/ Wire frame designing Skills
4. Excellent development skills
5. Automation Testing skills
6. Server hosting & deployment skills
7. Middle ware/ Server Technologies: Java, J2EE, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Core,Hibernate, Struts, REST Web Services.
8. Web Technologies: Sencha ExtJS, Angular JS, JQuery, Bootstrap CSS, Html, Css, Javascript
9. Mobile Technologies: Cordova/ Phonegap, Ionic
10. Server side build tools: Ant, Maven
11. Web UI side build tools: Node JS, Grunt JS
12. Version Control Tools: Git, SVN, Source Tree
13. Server Side Testing Technologies: JUnit, REST Assured
14. Frontend Side Testing Technologies: JS Unit, Mocha, Sinon