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DevOps vs DevSecOps Vs SRE?

Hello Friends, This is my initial version of compliations consisting of a list of tools which you should consider if you are planning to learn DevOps or DevSecOps or SRE. I would keep updating this post often. Please leave your comments for any addition. thanks.

What is DevOps?

What is DevSecOps?

What is SRE?

Tools of DevOps Vs DevSecOps Vs SRE

1SDLC Models & Architecture with Agile, DevOps, SRE & DevSecOps, SOA & MicroservicesConceptYESYESYES
2Platform – Operating SystemsCentos/Ubuntu & VirtualBox  & VagrantYESYESYES
3Platform – CloudAWSYESYESYES
4Platform – ContainersDockerYESYESYES
5Planning and DesigningJira & ConfluenceYESYESYES
6Backend Programming Language 1App Dev with Java/Springboot with mysql DB   
7Backend Programming Language 2App Dev with Python/Flask with mysql DB YES 
8Source Code Versioning Git using GithubYESYESYES
9Code Analysis & Securing Code (SAST)SonarQube & OWASP SonarQube & AppScan CodeSweep YESYES
10Build Management Maven and Gradle YES 
11Package Management Packer & Artifactory YES 
12Unit Testing & Acceptance Testing & Coverage – Web applications Junit & Selenium & Jacoco &  YES 
13Securing App Runtime (DAST)AppScan & Fortify Webinspect / ??  YES
14WebserverApache HTTP & NginxYES YES
15Configuration & Deployment ManagementAnsibleYESYES 
16Securing infra & complianceChef InSpec / ????  YES
17Container OrchestrationKubernetes & HelmYESYESYES
18Infrastructure CodingTerraformYESYesYes
19Services mesh Data planes & Control PlanesEnvoy & IstioYES  
20Network configurations and Service DiscoveryConsulYES YES
21Continuous IntegrationJenkinsYESYES 
22Securing credentialsHashiCorp Vault & AWS KMS & & SSL & CertificatesYES YES
23Securuing Containers & Kubernetes (RASP)Twistkock & Notary  YES
24Infrastructure Monitoring Tool 1DatadogYES YES
25Infrastructure Monitoring Tool 2Prometheus with GrafanaYESYES 
26Log Monitoring Tool 1SplunkYESYESYES
27Log Monitoring Tool 2ELK stakeYES YES
28Performance & RUM MonitoringNewRelicYESYESYES
29Emergency Response & Alerting & Chat & NotificationSMTP, SES, SNS, Pagerduty & SlackYES YES
30Security Through Logs 1Splunk SIEM  YES
31Security Through Logs 2Elasticsearch with Kibana Security  YES
32Cloud Security service & PracticesCloud  Security with AWS service  YES

How to get SRE certification?

SREs are engineers who have software engineering experience as well as Unix systems administration and Ops and Production env experience. That’s because SREs routinely use automation to reduce human labor and increase reliability.

DevOpsSchool’s (Site Reliability Engineer) SRE Certification is a roadmap to the principles & practices that allows an organization to reliably and economically scale Developement to Ops and Productions.

Rajesh Kumar
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