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Top 51 free open source tools for Containers/Orchestration

▪️ CLI Tools

  🔸 gvisor – container runtime sandbox.
  🔸 ctop – top-like interface for container metrics.

▪️ Web Tools

  🔸 Moby – a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based system.
  🔸 Traefik – open source reverse proxy/load balancer provides easier integration with Docker and Let’s encrypt.
  🔸 kong – The Cloud-Native API Gateway.
  🔸 rancher – complete container management platform.
  🔸 portainer – making Docker management easy.
  🔸 nginx-proxy – automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen.

▪️ Security

  🔸 docker-bench-security – checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker.
  🔸 trivy – vulnerability scanner for containers, suitable for CI.
  🔸 Harbor – cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.

▪️ Manuals/Tutorials/Best Practices

  🔸 docker-cheat-sheet – a quick reference cheat sheet on Docker.
  🔸 awesome-docker – a curated list of Docker resources and projects.
  🔸 docker_practice – learn and understand Docker technologies, with real DevOps practice!
  🔸 labs – is a collection of tutorials for learning how to use Docker with various tools.
  🔸 dockerfiles – various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers.
  🔸 kubernetes-the-hard-way – bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
  🔸 kubernetes-the-easy-way – bootstrap Kubernetes the easy way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
  🔸 cheatsheet-kubernetes-A4 – Kubernetes CheatSheets in A4.
  🔸 k8s-security – kubernetes security notes and best practices.
  🔸 kubernetes-production-best-practices – checklists with best-practices for production-ready Kubernetes.
  🔸 kubernetes-production-best-practices – kubernetes security – best practice guide.

Certification Courses

DevOpsSchool has introduced a series of professional certification courses designed to enhance your skills and expertise in cutting-edge technologies and methodologies. Whether you are aiming to excel in development, security, or operations, these certifications provide a comprehensive learning experience. Explore the following programs:

DevOps Certification, SRE Certification, and DevSecOps Certification by DevOpsSchool

Explore our DevOps Certification, SRE Certification, and DevSecOps Certification programs at DevOpsSchool. Gain the expertise needed to excel in your career with hands-on training and globally recognized certifications.