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Top Bamboo interview questions and answers

What is Bamboo software used for?

Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) server that can be used to automate the release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline.

What is Bamboo used for in DevOps?

Bamboo is a continuous integration and continuous deployment server developed by Atlassian. Bamboo Ties automated builds, tests, and releases together in a single workflow by integrating with other Atlassian products such as JIRA, Bitbucket, Stash, Hipchat, and Confluence.

What is the difference between Jenkins and Bamboo?

Jenkins is an open-source tool, while Bamboo is a commercial tool. Jenkins is a project supported by its global community, and Bamboo has its own dedicated team for its development. Bamboo has a more user-friendly approach than Jenkins – as usually, open-source apps are more concerned with other features.

What type of runtime environment is required to install bamboo?

Bamboo can only run with the JDK (not JRE).

If you see a path to your Java installation directory, the JAVA_Home environment variable has been set correctly. If a path is not returned you’ll need to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable manually before installing Bamboo.

Is Bamboo a version control?

Bamboo: Tie automated builds, tests, and releases together in a single workflow. … Bamboo can be classified as a tool in the “Continuous Integration” category, while Git is grouped under “Version Control System“.

What are Bamboo specs?

The Bamboo Specs library allows you to define plan configuration as code and send it to Bamboo to have corresponding plans created or updated automatically.

What is Bamboo in testing?

Bamboo is a continuous integration or CI server that can be used to automate the build, test, and release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline. You normally see continuous integration and the delivery together or it might be also presented as CI/CD.

Does bamboo need a database?

Bamboo requires a relational database to store its data. … Hence, if you intend to use Bamboo in a production environment, we strongly recommend that you connect Bamboo to a supported enterprise database system.

Is Bamboo a deployment tool?

Bamboo is a continuous integration and continuous deployment server developed by Atlassian. Bamboo Ties automated builds, tests, and releases together in a single workflow by integrating with other Atlassian products such as JIRA, Bitbucket, Stash, Hipchat, and Confluence

What is a Bamboo remote agent?

A Bamboo Agent is a service that provides capabilities to run job builds. … 2 – Remote Agents run on computers, other than the Bamboo server, that runs the Remote Agent tool. Each Remote Agent runs in its own separate process, i.e. has its own JVM, and uses JMS to communicate with the Bamboo server.

Rajesh Kumar
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