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Minikube Tutorials: minikube commands

minikube config

The command you provided, minikube config set memory 10000, will set the default memory allocation for new Minikube clusters to 10 gigabytes (10000 megabytes).

If you have already started a Minikube cluster and want to update the memory allocation for that cluster, you can use the minikube stop and minikube start commands with the --memory flag, like this:

  1. Stop the running Minikube cluster: minikube stop
  2. Start the Minikube cluster with the desired memory allocation: minikube start --memory=10000 Replace 10000 with the desired memory allocation, in megabytes.
  3. Wait for Minikube to start. Depending on the size of the cluster and the resources available on your computer, this could take a few minutes.
  4. Verify that the memory allocation has been updated by running the following command:cCopy codeminikube ssh -- free -m This command will log into the Minikube virtual machine and display the amount of memory that is currently available.
Rajesh Kumar
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