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AWS Tutorials: Difference between Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Amazon Elastic cache Service

Here is a comparison table highlighting the differences between Amazon Elasticsearch Service (now known as Amazon OpenSearch Service) and Amazon ElastiCache Service:

Feature/AspectAmazon OpenSearch ServiceAmazon ElastiCache
PurposeSearch, analytics, and log analysisIn-memory caching and database
Primary Use CasesFull-text search, log analytics, real-time analyticsCaching frequently accessed data, session management, real-time data processing
Data StoragePersistent storageIn-memory storage
Data TypesJSON documentsKey-value pairs
Engines SupportedOpenSearch, ElasticsearchRedis, Memcached
Query LanguageOpenSearch Query DSL, Elasticsearch Query DSLRedis commands, Memcached commands
ScalingAutomated scaling with domain settingsCluster mode enabled for sharding, replica sets for scaling
High AvailabilityMulti-AZ deploymentsMulti-AZ with automatic failover
Backup and RestoreAutomated and manual snapshotsAutomatic snapshots for Redis
Security FeaturesVPC support, IAM policies, encryption at rest and in transit, fine-grained access controlVPC support, IAM policies, encryption at rest and in transit
Monitoring and MetricsCloudWatch metrics, OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster health and performance monitoringCloudWatch metrics, Redis/Memcached-specific metrics
IntegrationIntegration with other AWS services (e.g., Kinesis, Lambda, CloudWatch)Integration with other AWS services (e.g., RDS, DynamoDB, CloudWatch)
CostBased on instance type, storage, and data transferBased on node type, number of nodes, and data transfer
Instance TypesVarious instance types optimized for search and analytics workloadsVarious instance types optimized for memory and performance
Configuration ManagementManaged service with automated patches and updatesManaged service with automated patches and updates


  • Amazon OpenSearch Service (formerly Amazon Elasticsearch Service) is primarily used for search, log analytics, and real-time analytics with persistent storage of JSON documents.
  • Amazon ElastiCache is used for caching, session management, and real-time data processing with in-memory storage, supporting Redis and Memcached engines.
Rajesh Kumar
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