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AWS Tutorials: FinOps – AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) & Private CA cost optimisation strategies

Pricing FAQ For AWS Private Certificate Authority

  • 1 Private CAs x 400.00 USD per month = 400.00 USD per month for operation of general purpose mode Private CAs
  • Number of certificates used with ACM-integrated services – FREE
  • Number of general purpose mode private certificates issued – PAID if its not used under “Number of certificates used with ACM-integrated services”

Pricing for AWS Certificate Manager

You are not subject to an additional charge for SSL/TLS certificates that you manage with AWS Certificate Manager. You pay only for the AWS resources that you create to run your website or application.

Cost optimization strategies for AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA):

Use Certificate Lifecycle ManagementImplement certificate lifecycle management to automate renewal and reduce manual errors.
Right-size Certificate AuthorityChoose the appropriate CA size based on your needs to avoid over-provisioning.
Leverage Certificate TemplatesUse certificate templates to standardize certificates and reduce management overhead.
Implement Monitoring and AlertsUse AWS CloudWatch to monitor usage and set up alerts for unusual activity or costs.
Use Multi-Account StrategyImplement a multi-account strategy to separate environments and track costs more effectively.
Consolidate CertificatesConsolidate multiple certificates into a single certificate when possible to reduce the number of CAs.
Automate Certificate DeploymentUse AWS tools like Lambda to automate certificate deployment and reduce manual intervention.
Optimize Certificate Validity PeriodsAdjust certificate validity periods to balance security and cost, reducing unnecessary renewals.
Utilize AWS BudgetsSet up AWS Budgets to track spending and receive alerts when approaching budget limits.
Review and Optimize CA Usage RegularlyRegularly review CA usage and optimize configurations to match current requirements.
Implement IAM Policies for Access ControlUse IAM policies to restrict access to the Private CA, ensuring only authorized users can make changes.
Use Cost Allocation TagsApply cost allocation tags to track and analyze AWS Private CA costs by project or department.
Take Advantage of Reserved PricingConsider reserved pricing options if your CA usage is predictable and sustained over time.
Educate Teams on Cost AwarenessTrain teams on best practices for managing and optimizing AWS costs, including AWS Private CA.

These strategies can help you manage and reduce costs associated with using AWS Private Certificate Authority while maintaining security and operational efficiency.

Rajesh Kumar
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