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pgadmin created the topic: Administrator
nstallShield Software Corporation’s AdminStudio product answers every administrator need for repackaging a legacy application into the Windows Installer service (MSI) format for deployment on an MSI-based network such as Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Written by two authorities on the Windows Installer service, this book provides an in-depth review of the standard features and often-missed secrets for creating MSI packages. Baker and Dickau guide you through the intricacies of the Windows Installer service and the complete suite of complementary tools that come with AdminStudio. You learn to solve the most common repackaging tasks and discover techniques for handling the problems that can occur during and after installing a repackaged application in a locked-down environment. This new book from InstallShield Press continues the InstallShield Software Corporation commitment to the latest and best information on the complex world of software installation and management.

Rajesh Kumar
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