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Ansible Tools and Commands

Before going further deep into Ansible, it is time to get familiar with some important Ansible commands:

ansible: It is an extra – simple root / framework /API for doing “ remote Execution“. This is the ad–hoc command utility that allows for a “single task” run.

ansible-doc: It displays information on modules installed in Ansible Libraries . It displays a listing of modules and their short description, provides a printout of their documentation strings , and creates a short “ snippet “ which can be pasted into a Playbook.

ansible–playbook: It is a toot used to execute sequential set of instruction written in a YAML structured file called “playbook”.

ansible–vault: It can encrypt any structured data file used By Ansible.

ansible–galaxy: it is a Shared repository for Ansible roles. The Ansible-galaxy Command can manage these roles or create a skeleton framework for roles you would like to upload to Galaxy.

ansible–pull: It sets up a remote copy of Ansible on each managed node; each set runs through cron and updates Playbook source Through a source repository. This inverts the default push architecture of Ansible into a pull architecture.

ansible–console: It is an REPL that allows for running ad–hoc tasks against a chosen inventory (based on dominis ansible–shell).

Rajesh Kumar
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