Top 10 DevOps Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2023

DevOps is about mechanization which is a cutting-edge programming improvement approach in which Software Developers and IT Operations group cooperating in a shared way to construct, test, convey and discharge…

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How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

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How to Fix ” Vue packages version mismatch:” error in Laravel 5.5

If you find any issue like above then run below Commands for solution : Solution : Above Command solve my issue if you are still in issue then run below…

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Laravel say that Auth guard [user] is not defined

I am trying to override default logout button in my Laravel project. so I defined below code in my LoginController->logout() function. but it’s showing that my guard is not defined….

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Laravel 5.5 Error – “The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again.”

i am trying to submit a form with some fields and showing this error “The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again.” so when I look…

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How to Install WordPress and WAMP in Windows Server?

In this blog i am going to describe you the whole step and tell you how can you do more experiment on local rather than going live on server. if…

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Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS display “34 updates can be installed immediately.”

Try Below Commands to update packages A reboot may or may not be necessary (sudo shutdown -r 0) For my machine i use only below command Note : if you…

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Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS displays “There is 1 zombie process” upon login

To Check the zombie process run below command and Then kill the parent process 👉 For more details read below tutorial on this topic: Click Here

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Laravel – composer update asking about – phpunit/phpunit[7.5.0, …, 7.5.20] require ext-dom *

When ever you find above issue then do one thing that your ubuntu server is missing with some packages like ext-dom & php-xml. you have to do simply below things…

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The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths. Laravel 5.5

If you find this issue then you should remove App_key From .env and then run below command after running above command your issue will be resolved. Resources : Click Here

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DataTables images issues like sort_asc.png & sort_both.png not found

Hi Friends, I am facing these issues for the last 1 month so I decided to solve this issue then I tried and I succeed. this is just a simple…

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XAMPP: Another web server is already running

Step 1: Stop the Apache Step 2: and Then Restart Apache 👉 if above command will not work in your machine then do below steps: Step 1 : check the…

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How to move repository from Bitbucket to GitHub with all branches and commits?

Step 1 : Create a Blank repository on Github without Step 2 : Moving all code and content from bitbucket Check out the existing repository from Bitbucket: 2. Now…

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What is JSON? Why we use JSON over XML?

Let’s discuss about JSON that why we use JSON and what is the importance of JSON in Web Development. How can It help us to get data from such an…

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How to downgrade php from 8.0.0 to 7.1.32 in xampp 8.0.0?

Hey friends i am going to discuss with some common error with xampp. i installed xampp in my pc and working with Laravel version 5.8 and php version 7.1.3 so…

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Composer update fails with composer.json php version ^7.1.3

Hi geeks, yesterday i tried to run a command in my laravel project ver 5.8 then it’s showing two issue in my git bash. my php version in composer.json file…

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How to fix MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly Error

Errors : mysql_error.log 2020-10-22 12:48:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions2020-10-22 12:48:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes2020-10-22 12:48:24 0 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib…

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AWS Solution Architect Certification Free Tutorials [Session 1 – 7 ]

Session 1 AWS Solution Architect Certification Tutorials EC2 | Debug.School Session 2 AWS Solution Architect Certification Tutorials VPC Part1 Session 3 AWS Solution Architect Certification Tutorials VPC Part2 Session 4…

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How to write a Hello World App in Flutter?

Hey folks, Here we are going to run a Hello World Application in Flutter. so if you want to do this. first of all, you have to install flutter. for…

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Why Flutter is important in 2020?

Everyone who is in software industry and wants to develop an application for Android and iOS. He has a question that how to develop an application. What is the best…

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Error – Dart SDK is not configured in Android Studio.

First of all whenever you see this error then see your flutter framework SDK path is set or not. In my system it is not configures. so i will show…

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What is flutter and how to use it for app development?

Flutter is Google’s portable UI (user interface) framework for producing modern, native and reactive mobile(Android, iOS) application, Web and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter is an open-source project hosted…

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Manipulation of dates and times in PHP with examples.

Here we are going to discuss about the PHP Date and times. how can we call current date and time in our code. There are nearly fifty date and time…

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In Laravel, how can I clear laravel.log?

In my Laravel project i want to clear my laravel.log file but i have no idea how to do it. so i found a solution on it. First of all…

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What are the best Sublime Text 3 plugins for web development ?

Here i am going to demonstrate you some cool plugins for web developer to easily code in Sublime Text 3. so let’s get started now. Why we need to install…

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Linux command Error- nohup:ignoring input and appending output to ‘nohup.out’

Error : When i am running below command to run file in background showing above error so let’s see how we can solve this error very easily. Command :…

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Installing and Working with Sourcetree & git repos

Here you are going to learn about how to clone, pull and push file using sourctree. so for this process you have already install gitbash and also should install sourctree….

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How to design a website from beginner to advanced using some free websites and Youtube Channels?

For every developer who wants to learn from basic to advanced you should follow some techniques and website. that will help you to grow your knowledge and your understanding. so…

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