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AWS Tutorials: How to Shutdown (Stop / Start) ElastiCache Service in AWS

ElastiCache does not support direct stopping and starting of clusters. Instead, the best way to minimize the cost of ElastiCache when it’s not in use is to scale down the cluster to the minimum configuration or to take snapshots of your data, delete the cluster, and recreate it when needed.

Scaling Down the Cluster

You can scale down the ElastiCache cluster to the minimum configuration to reduce costs. This involves reducing the number of nodes and changing the instance type to a smaller, less expensive one.

AWS CLI Commands

aws elasticache modify-cache-cluster --cache-cluster-id your-cache-cluster-id --num-cache-nodes 1 --cache-node-type cache.t2.micro --apply-immediately

Script for Scaling Down and Restoring ElastiCache Cluster

Rajesh Kumar
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