Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 33

Which of the following best decribes a Docker Image? A read-write template for starting one or more containers A point-in-time snapshot of a container used for backups A data volume…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 32

Which of the following are true about Docker volumes? They must exist on a SAN or NAS They are decoupled from containers (Ans) They are higher performance than graph driver…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 31

What is the preferred way to deploy and manage a Docker Stack? The declarative way via config files (Ans) The imperative way via commands Which of the following Docker Engine…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 30

Images contain the entire user space, in other words the entire file system for a container. How is this not horribly inefficient in terms of disk space? Images are layered…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 29

With Docker for Windows, what container types can you run? Only Windows Windows and macOS Windows and Linux (Ans) Only Linux Which of the following is an accurate statement about…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 28

What is a tag? A reference to a registry A reference to a repository A reference to a specific image in a repository (Ans) A reference to a specific image…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 27

By default, what happens to a Docker Container when the process it is running exits? The Container exits. (Ans) The Container reboots and restarts the process. The Container performs a…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 24

Which of the following tasks can Docker Cloud perform? Create nodes None of these Start and stop services All of these (Ans) Create stacks What is the role of Docker…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 23

Which of the following are top-level keys in a stack file (Compose v3 file)? Version, deployments, networks, volumes Version and services Version, services, networks, volumes (Ans) Services, pods, networks, volumes…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 22

Which of the following is a recommended best practice? Keep your images small (Ans) Never use the latest image in a repo Use large images containing lots of tools Only…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 21

Which of the following is needed to deploy a Docker Stack? Compose v2 file format Kubernetes Compose v3 file format Docker Cloud (Ans) What is the name of the configuration…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 20

What type of software deals with running (placement) applications on a given node in the cluster? Placer VM runtime Container runtime Provisioner Scheduler (Ans) What is the net effect of…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 19

What can you use to run multiple containers from a single YAML file? Dockerfile docker run docker-compose (Ans) docker run containers.yml Which of the following is not a benefit of…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 18

If you want to perform maintenance on a node, to what availability should you change it? Ready Down Drain (Ans) Pause Active Assuming you have a stack called APIS, what…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 17

If you run docker network ls and do not see a network that you’re looking for, what is the most likely culprit?culprit? That node is not a worker node. That…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 16

Which of the following will upload a new stack to your Docker Cloud account? docker-cloud stack create docker-cloud.yml docker-cloud stack create -f docker-cloud.yml (Ans) docker-cloud stack create -f dockerfile docker…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 15

Which fundamental networking technology does the native (local) overlay driver leverage when creating multi-host container networks? VLAN Token Ring VXLAN (Ans) FCoE You need to create a singe container network…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 14

What is the function of this command? docker search apache/ubuntu It will search your local Docker client environment for images related to either apache or ubuntu. It will search Docker…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 3

Whats is docker? Difference between container & VMs? Difference between Docker & Virtualization? Difference between container and image? How image builds? What are image layers? How image layers work? What…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 2

What is Docker compose? What is Docker server version? What are the advantages of Docker? How do you setup Docker in Jenkins in production environment? How do create Docker image…

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Docker Interview Questions and Answer Part – 1

What happens when you run docker run hello-world? How do you run a container? What do you see when you run docker ps? What docker commit does? when will you use it? Explain what…

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[root@localhost ~]# systemctl restart docker Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See “systemctl status docker.service” and “journalctl -xe” for details. [root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost ~]#…

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Docker Tutorials: Difference between Docker Load and Docker Import

If you want to “flatten” an image and avoid the history which has multiple layers, docker export and import is the best way to do that. docker save – docker…

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Alternative of Docker in Kubernetes

Since v1.6.0, Kubernetes has enabled the use of CRI, Container Runtime Interface, by default. The container runtime used by default is Docker, which is enabled through the built-in dockershim CRI…

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How to troubleshoot Docker Server(daemon) and Containers?

How to troubleshoot Docker Server(daemon) and Containers? There are following way using troubleshooting of Docker Server and Containers can be done. If you are running your container in -d (detached…

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Top 10 Container(Docker) Monitoring Solutions and Tools in 2018

Top 10 Container Monitoring Solutions/Tools in 2018 Native Docker cAdvisor Scout Pingdom Datadog Sysdig Prometheus Heapster / Grafana ELK stack Sensu Reference Docker Tutorials Fundamental To Advanced-2021 Crash Course:-…

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Understanding the tools sets in Docker ecosystem

Docker Engine Docker Engine is our lightweight and powerful open source containerization technology combined with a work flow for building and containerizing your applications. Docker Engine is a client-server application…

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How to run UI testing in Docker container using Selenium

Docker is one of the revolutions technologies which has created lots of buzz in the Software development practices. Docker has not only helped to setup Continuous Integration and Delivery but…

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Docker Errors and Solutions Guide

Error: Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted I am having issue running or checking status on any services in Docker in Centos 7. I get: “Failed to get…

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docker-compose prepends current directory name to named volumes

Issues – docker-compose prepends current directory name to named volumes What actually happens is that the named volume gets prepended with (a simplified version of) the directory name from which the…

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