Monitor and Restart Offline Slaves

rajeshkumar created the topic: Monitor and Restart Offline Slaves If you facing a problem of jenkins node disconnect automatically, you can try this script- This script can monitor and restart…

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Suddenly started hanging

pasupuleti2 created the topic: Suddenly started hanging Suddenly jenkins started hanging. that keeps hanging every second. We have many projects in Jenkins. The jobs were running fine in the past….

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Input is not in the .gz format

rajeshkumar created the topic: node_tmp/node.tar.gz’: Input is not in the .gz format Error 02:27:46 [INFO] — frontend-maven-plugin:0.0.20:install-node-and-npm (install node and npm) @ app-socialqa — 02:27:46 [INFO] Installing node version v0.10.30…

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Git Error: -Git Polling Log error=2, No such file or director

rajeshkumar created the topic: Git Polling Log error=2, No such file or director Error Started on Sep 15, 2015 9:57:00 AM Using strategy: Default [poll] Last Built Revision: Revision…

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WorkSpace Cleanup Error

pasupuleti2 created the topic: WorkSpace Cleanup Error Rajesh, When I chose “Delete workspace before build starts” option at Build Environment I got below error. Please let me know how to…

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No emails were triggered.

pasupuleti2 created the topic: No emails were triggered. I have entered couple of email ids in “Editable Email Notification” When ever I take a build recipients are not receiving the…

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Script for Breaks the build

pasupuleti2 created the topic: Script for Breaks the build Rajesh, Our current tests are taking 2 hours for one project. when building unit tests they should not accessing databases, filesystems,…

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Test Results

pasupuleti2 created the topic: Test Results Rajesh, How to get the results with graphics for each action in each build in Jenkins Ex: checkout code from Git -> 1 min…

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Can We Change Setting In Jenkins As It Picks Desire Version Of Java.

Namit created the topic: Can we change setting in Jenkins as it picks desire version of Java. In my Linux server i do have two version of Java (Java 1.6…

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rupali created the topic: Hudson I am working on an application where we are using Hudson to create build and then manually copying build to another server and deploying it…

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Modified files after each build

setu.sin created the topic: Modified files after each build Hi All, I need to send the modified files to an external API after each build in jenkins. I can see…

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Jenkins Remote access API Example | Jenkins Tutorial

Jenkins Remote access API Example Jenkins provides machine-consumable remote access API to its functionalities. Currently it comes in three flavors: XML JSON with JSONP support Python Remote access API is…

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Environment variables and properties defined in jenkins | Jenkins Tutorial

Environment variables and properties defined in jenkins Jenkins Set Environment Variables When a Jenkins job executes, it sets some environment variables that you may use in your shell script, batch…

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Generate Jenkins Job Configuration Automatically | Jenkins Tutorials

Generate Jenkins Job Configuration Automatically? Job DSL Plugin The job-dsl-plugin allows the programmatic creation of projects using a DSL. Pushing job creation into a script allows you to automate and…

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How to Install Jenkins using Docker | Step by step guide | scmGalaxy

Step 1: Installing Docker [code] $ apt-get install docker (Ubuntu) $ yum install docker  (RHEL/CENTOS) [/code] For more info, please following this Step 2:  First, pull the official jenkins…

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Jenkins Web References & Cheatsheet

How to take care of a large Jenkins installation and still keep your sanity – Part 1 How to take care of a large Jenkins installation and still keep your…

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Jenkins Backup and Restore Process | Jenkins Tutorial

Jenkins Backup and Restore using ThinBackup Plugins OLD METHODS as follow: How Do I Backup Jenkins Jobs using Grunt? Backup Jenkins configuration to S3 bash-backup-script for jenkins‘ job-configs via user-crontab…

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How to Resolve jenkins java.lang.outofmemoryerror permgen space issues?

Solution 1 In Windows: Go to environment variable and add following variables export JAVA_OPTS=”-XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m” export GRADLE_OPTS=”-XX:MaxPermSize=512m” export SONAR_RUNNER_OPTS=”-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m” In Linux: In my ~/.bash_profile file, I have set…

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Jenkins Troubleshooting Guide

Jenkins Troubleshooting Jenkins is one of the important CI tools which many organization used as part of their Build and DevOps infrasture. I am going to consolidate all the troubshooting…

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Know About Jenkins CLI | Jenkins CLI Guide

Running CLI java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s JENKINS_URL] command [options…] [arguments…] Getting help java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s help [command] How to download jenkins-cli.jar? The best place to download the Jenkins…

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Understand Jenkins CLI | Jenkins CLI Reference

Running CLI java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s JENKINS_URL] command [options…] [arguments…] Getting help java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s help [command] How to download jenkins-cli.jar? The best place to download the Jenkins…

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