What is Maven and use cases of Maven?

What is Maven? Maven is a powerful and widely-used build automation and project management tool. It simplifies the process of managing a software project’s build lifecycle, handling dependencies, and facilitating…

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What is Maven and How it works? An Overview and Its Use Cases ?

What is Maven? Maven is a popular open-source build tool developed by the Apache Group to build, publish, and deploy several projects at once for better project management. It has…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers of maven

Short Description About maven Maven, a Yiddish word meaning accumulator of knowledge, began as an attempt to simplify the build processes in the Jakarta Turbine project. There were several projects,…

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Top Maven interview questions and answers

What Maven is used for? Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects. Maven can also be used to build and manage projects written in C#, Ruby, Scala,…

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How to set Internet Proxy for Maven Repository

There are following ways to set a internet proxy in maven. Method 1 – Command Line with mvn Method 2 – Using MAVEN_OPTS set in system env or command line…

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Writing a Custom Plugin for Maven

Introduction In this article, we will learn about Maven which is a project management framework that provides a configurable approach for managing software projects. Maven covers all the necessary phases that happen right from…

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Creating single WAR file from multiple branches

revanthreddy created the topic: Creating single WAR file from multiple branches Hi, I am Revanth working for a product company. We are using Hudson for creating WAR files from SVN…

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Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-m2settings-maven-plu

scmuser created the topic: Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-m2settings-maven-plu How can it be solve following error?? [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.plugins:nexus-m2settings-maven-plugin:1.6.6:download (default-cli) on project standalone-pom: Connection failed: Insecure protocol:…

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Release vs. Snapshot Repositories

rajeshatbuzz created the topic: Release vs. Snapshot repositories What is the different between Release vs. Snapshot repositories in maven? Rajesh scmuser replied the topic: Re:Release vs. Snapshot repositories A further…

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Issue Management In Maven?

rajeshatbuzz created the topic: issueManagement in Maven? Any body provide some notes on issueManagement in Maven/. Rajesh scmuser replied the topic: Re:issueManagement in Maven? issueManagement Information about the issue tracking…

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How Maven development started?

scmuser created the topic: How Maven development started? How Maven development started? rajeshatbuzz replied the topic: Re:How Maven development started? Maven, a Yiddish word meaning accumulator of knowledge, was originally…

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Maven’s Objectives

scmuser created the topic: Maven’s Objectives What is the maven main objectives? rajeshatbuzz replied the topic: Re:Maven’s Objectives Maven’s primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete…

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Maven Troubleshooting

rajeshkumar created the topic: Maven troubleshooting i would like to knpw “Most Common Issues in Maven”? Any body can focus on this? Regards, Rajesh Kumar Twitt me @ twitter.com/RajeshKumarIn mnanjala…

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Apache Maven Gets Ready for Enterprise, Eclipse

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache Maven Gets Ready for Enterprise, Eclipse It’s exciting times for fans of Apache Maven. Developers who delve into both Java and Eclipse are the target…

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Sonatype Introduces Maven Studio for Eclipse(TM)

rajeshkumar created the topic: Sonatype Introduces Maven Studio for Eclipse(TM) Innovative Development Environment Enables the 3+ Million Maven Java(TM) Developers to Dramatically Improve Productivity EclipseCon – March 22, 2010 –…

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Maven failed to resolve repo1.maven.org Inbo

scmuser created the topic: Maven failed to resolve repo1.maven.org Inbo I installed Maven 2.2.1 on Ubuntu 8.04. When I first tried to run mvn it didn’t work. I have a…

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Run external tasks using maven

scmuser created the topic: Run external tasks using maven Hi, Is it possible to run ant tasks which is not connected with any build lifecycle phase? In other word I…

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How to set latest P4 CL# into property?

tpatil created the topic: How to set latest P4 CL# into property? We have CI setup using bamboo, P4 & maven. When I trigger the build from bamboo it gives…

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Snapshot Versions Vs. Incremental Versions

scmuser created the topic: SNAPSHOT versions Vs. incremental versions SNAPSHOT versions Vs. incremental versions Hi All, I am in a process of pushing Maven in my organization and I have…

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Run Different name of Maven build file

scmuser created the topic: Run Different name of Maven build file Hi, How to run maven build file whose is not having same such as pom.xml and it could be…

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To run python setup tools using Maven

snehal.shaha created the topic: To run python setup tools using Maven Hi All I have two modules in my project. 1. Java module 2. Python Module I am using Maven…

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Creating a maven project by using hudson

revanthreddy created the topic: creating a maven project by using hudson hi, iam new to maven.can any body help me how to create a new project by using hudson tool…

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Downloaded Maven, what’s next?

mfeighner created the topic: Downloaded Maven, what’s next? New to Maven, I downloaded Maven 3.0.4 SRC and BIN from maven.apache.org/download.html to my Windows 7 Computer, What do I need to…

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Windows/Maven and Role of Archiva

wasi_shez created the topic: Windows/Maven and Role of Archiva Hi Guys! I have some Questions for Maven. 1)I have generated simple ‘Jars’ and ‘Wars’ through Maven.I have an Idea that…

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Resolution will not be Reattempted until the update interval of nexus

scmuser created the topic: resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of nexus was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval…

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Package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist

rajeshkumar created the topic: package net.sqlcipher.database does not exist Hi, I am kind of new to android build setup. Can you please help me fix the compilation issues as below;…

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Directory structure using Maven

bhavith created the topic: Directory structure using Maven Hi Raj, I am facing difficulty when trying to build a directory structure using maven. I get conect reset errors. i used…

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Maven course content

swatinikam2009 created the topic: Maven course content Hi Team, I am looking for Maven PPT. I need it for reference. Regards Swati Nikam swatinikam2009 replied the topic: Maven course content…

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swatinikam2009 created the topic: Maven Hi , I am trying to run java code. I have set the environment correctly. Also created MAVEN_HOME variable and added it to path varibale….

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swatinikam2009 created the topic: Maven Hi , I am trying to run java code. I have set the environment correctly. Also created MAVEN_HOME variable and added it to path varibale….

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