Top 50 interview questions and answers for JSP
The JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a Java normal technology that allows you to write lively, data-driven pages for your Java web applications. The JSP is built on top of the…
Read more »Top 50 questions and answers for vue.js
The Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a liberal framework for building user borders. Dissimilar other huge frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The…
Read more »Top 50 interview questions and answers for Type Script
Top 50 interview questions and answers for Type Script The Typescript is a powerfully typed, object oriented, compiled language. It was designed by Anders Hejlsberg (designer of C#) at Microsoft….
Read more »Script for time stamp update.
scmuser created the topic: Script for time stamp update. write a batch Script for time stamp update? sgadmin replied the topic: Re:Script for time stamp update. [code language=”css”] data=data.txt tfile=`cat…
Read more »%~dp0 VS %cd%
rajeshkumar created the topic: %~dp0 VS %cd% Use of %~dp0 and Use of %cd% They are not equivalent. %cd% is available either to a batch file or at the command…
Read more »Send mail using batch script thorugh SMTP
scmuser created the topic: Send mail using batch script thorugh SMTP Hello, hi i wnt to create batch file that will automtcally send my email through outlok express at 5…
Read more »DOS Command to display time without prompting for New time
scmuser created the topic: DOS Command to display time without prompting for New time I think most of us know the DOS command “time/T” which displays current system time without…
Read more »Call perl script from vbscript
rajeshkumar created the topic: Call perl script from vbscript Call perl script from vbscript Set oShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) sProgDir = “C:\Program Files\My Programs\perl\” sArgs = “-i” sExec = “””” &…
Read more »Call batch script from vbscript
rajeshkumar created the topic: call batch script from vbscript Call batch script from vbscript dim shell set shell=createobject(“”) “INSTALL.bat” set shell=nothing Regards, Rajesh Kumar Twitt me @
Read more »How to run scripts as administrator in Windows using VBS?
rajeshkumar created the topic: How to run scripts as administrator in Windows using VBS? How to run scripts as administrator in Windows using VBS? Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) If WScript.Arguments.length…
Read more »How to Run a Program as an Administrator in Windows
rajeshkumar created the topic: How to Run a Program as an Administrator in Windows How to Run a Program as an Administrator in Windows Good URL- Regards, Rajesh Kumar…
Read more »Passing command line arguments separated by comma
scmuser created the topic: passing command line arguments separated by comma Any sample code in vb script to pass command line arguments separated by comma???
Read more »Function in vb script
rajani created the topic: function in vb script Develop a function that accepts a string of names separated by comma add those names in an array and display the names…
Read more »Throw new Error(‘npm.load() required’)
rajeshkumar created the topic: throw new Error(‘npm.load() required’) Error: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\lib\npm.js:37 throw new Error(‘npm.load() required’) ^ Error: npm.load() required at Object.npm.config.get (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\lib\npm.js:37:11) at exit (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\lib\utils\error-handler.js:49:27) at process.errorHandler (C:\Program…
Read more »Check the exit code of the last command in batch file?
rajeshkumar created the topic: check the exit code of the last command in batch file? Test for a return code greater than or equal to 1: if ERRORLEVEL 1 echo…
Read more »Get the application exit code from a Windows command line?
rajeshkumar created the topic: get the application exit code from a Windows command line? Two ways… (1) The results are stored in a pseudo environment variable named errorlevel so… echo…
Read more »Create a txt file using batch file in a specific folder
rajeshkumar created the topic: Create a txt file using batch file in a specific folder @echo off echo.>”d:\testing\dblank.txt” This creates a file containing a blank line (CR + LF =…
Read more »Delete files and folder using batch commands…
rajeshkumar created the topic: Delete files and folder using batch commands… del /s /q bin – deletes all files recursively rmdir bin – delete empty folders.. Regards, Rajesh Kumar Twitt…
Read more »Debut Video Capture Batch Script Automation
rajeshkumar created the topic: Debut Video Capture Batch Script Automation Debut Video Capture Batch Script Automation Start Script Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) WshShell.Run chr(34) & “C:\Tools\start.bat” & Chr(34), 0 Set…
Read more »what is MSI Script and its Installation Modes?
applicationPackaging created the topic: what is MSI Script and its Installation Modes? MSI Script contains 3 installation modes: 1. Normal Installation: Select this installation mode to edit the sequences that…
Read more »How to assign computer startup scripts?
1. Open the Group Policy snap-in. 2. In the console tree, click Scripts (Startup/Shutdown). – Where? policy name Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)or Start the…
Read more »A script to find all users who have not set passwords
Write a script to find all users who have not set passwords. #!/usr/bin/ruby require “P4” p4 = p4.parse_forms p4.connect p4.run_users.each do |u| user = p4.fetch_user( u[ “User” ] )…
Read more »Script to list the clients in descending access date order
Write a script to list the clients in descending access date order (for deleting obsolete clients). #!/usr/bin/ruby require “P4” p4 = p4.tagged p4.connect clients = p4.run_clients.sort {|a,b|…
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