How Terraform Authenticate to Azure?

How Terraform Authenticate to Azure? Authenticating to Azure using the Azure CLI Authenticating to Azure using Managed Service Identity Authenticating to Azure using a Service Principal and a Client Certificate…

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Azure Tutorials – How to create IAM user and assign Service Principal Access?

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Ansible Module Sample Code using Linux Bash script Example 5

Ansible Tutorial | How to write Ansible Playbooks | Ansible Crash Course

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Terraform Example Code for AWS Windows Server with IP-Username-Password

aws_instance.example.*.password_data is a list of the password_data results from each of the EC2 instances. Each one must be decrypted separately with rsadecrypt. In Terraform v0.11 requires using null_resource as a…

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Ansible Variable: How to declare Variables in Ansible Inventory or hosts file?


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How to loop and iteration executations in Ansible Playbook with Example?

Example Playbook Code

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How to set condition module executations in Ansible Playbook with Example?

Example – 1 For CENTOS / RHEL Example – 1 For Ubuntu

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Complete Tutorial on big O (big oh) notation

In this Tutorial I am going to cover Complete Tutorial on big O (big oh) notation. If you know something about Asymptotic Notations The big-O Notation is a part of…

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Terraform: Create Azure Linux/Windows VM with file, remote-exec & local-exec provisioner

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Terraform Example Program to Create Azure Linux VM

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Terraform Assignment: Azure Creating Linux VM with a Image using Data Sources

Output all the UBUNTU VM Image from Azure from one region but Use one of these image in Creating VM.

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Comparison Between Terraform, AWS CloudFormation & Azure ARM

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Example Terraform code to Create Github Repository

Generate GITHUB ACCESS Token Write Write Run Following Commands

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What is JMX and Why do we need it?

Java Management Extensions (JMX) was introduced in J2SE 5.0 release. It is a set of specifications used for network and application management. It specifies a method for developers to integrate…

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Zabbix Host groups, Templates, Macros, Triggers simplified

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How to install Zabbix server and dashboard using Docker?

zabbix Container do not accept config changes while running. Any changes you want to make in the containers of zabbix, must be passed during “docker run” itself. Check Docker hub…

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An Introduction of Bosh

BOSH is an open source tool that enables deployment and lifecycle management of distributed systems. It is the primary method used to deploy Cloud Foundry and is contributed to by…

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Lets understand a evolution of VMware Tanzu?

Product Timeline: The original Essential PKS arrived from a rebranding of the Heptio Kubernetes Service (HKS) that came with the VMware acquisition of Heptio at the end of 2018. Enterprise…

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How to monitor mysql using NewRelic with integration in Linux?

What MySQL integration collects and sends? NewRelic MySQL integration collects and sends inventory and metrics from your MySQL database to our platform, where you can see the health of your…

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How to setup integration of Kubernetes with Newrelic: install and configure?

Compatibility and requirements Prerequisite The easiest way to install the Kubernetes integration is to use our automated installer to generate a manifest. It bundles not just the integration DaemonSets, but…

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How kubectl communicate with API server?

Workstation– kubectlread a file from 2 Location~/.kube/config && KUBECONFIG (env var) What is content of this “config” file?– ITS YAMLContains

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How to upload and download NPM Package using Sonatype Nexus?

Step 1 – Create a npm nexus repo Step 2 – Step 2 – Install Node in your server Step 3 – Create a Sample Project using NPM Step 4…

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How to upload and download docker images using nexus registry/repository?

Step 1- Setup your Nexus server and required authentication Step 2- Create docker repo at Nexus Step 3- Install Docker & Configure with non httpds Docker Install and Config –…

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Newrelic Complete Reference Guide and Tutorials

General Newrelic Essnetials Tutorials 2019 NewRelic Complete Troubleshooting Guide Newrelic Infrastructure Apache2 Integration and Monitoring in Linux CentOS with Newrelic Monitor Windows 2019 server using Newrelic Infrastructure Monitor Docker and…

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How to install and configure Sonatype Nexus?

Note: This steps are applicable for Linux Only. Prerequisite or System Requirements for Sonatype Nexus Java 8 Runtime Environment (JRE) Minimum CPUs: 4 Minimum RAM – 4 GB OS –…

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What is Bearer token and How it works?

Bearer tokens are a much simpler way of making API requests, since they don’t require cryptographic signing of each request. The tradeoff is that all API requests must be made…

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Kubernetes Architecture Explained through Images

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Maven by Example Ebooks

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The Maven Complete Reference Ebooks

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The Maven Cookbook Ebooks

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