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Chef Lab and Excercise – Recipe – Part 1

Submit the assignment on www.Debug.School!

  • Write a recipe to create a file which should be owned by group called “root”, user “ec2-user” and permission executable.
  • Write a recipe to updates the access (atime) and file modification (mtime) times for a file.
  • Write a recipe to download the java tar ball, extract it under /opt/ and set JAVA_HOME using bash resources. Note –
  • Write a chef recipe to execiute one sample bash script.
  • Write a chef recipe to Create a directory
  • Write a chef recipe to install git.
  • Write a chef recipe to clone git repo
  • Write a chef recipe to create group and use in linux.
  • Write a chef recipe to Download a file from a URL. Note –
  • Write a chef recipe to create a new user and password in the Nodes automatically?
  • Write a chef recipe to add= a message to a log file.
Rajesh Kumar
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