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Command line switches of devenv.exe | Devenv command line switches Guide



To see this list, type devenv /? on command prompt

    • /build – build the specified solution configuration


    • /project – specifies the project to build instead of solution, must specify /build to use /project


    • /projectconfig – specifies project configuration to build, must specify /project to use /projectconfig


    • /out – write build output to specified file


    • /rebuild – like /build, but forces a clean first


    • /clean – clean up build outputs


    • /deploy – build the specified solution configuration and then deploy it


    • /run – run the specified solution configuration


    • /runexit – run the specified solution configuration and then terminate


    • /command – executes the specified internal command line after startup


    • /mditabs – use tabbed documents interface


    • /mdi – use MDI interface


    • /fn – use specified font name


    • /fs – use specified font size


    • /LCID – use specified language ID


    • /noVSIP – disables VSIP developers license key for VSIP testing


    • /safemode – only default environment and services load for stability


  • /resetskippkgs – allow VSPackages once flagged for loading failures to load again
Rajesh Kumar
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