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Difference Between echo and print in PHP

Echo vs. Print

  • PHP echo and print both are PHP Statements
  • Both are used to displaying the output in PHP.

What is echo

  • The echo is a statement i.e used to display the output. it can be used with parentheses echo or without parentheses echo.
  • echo can pass multiple strings separated as (,).
  • echo does,t return any value.
  • echo is faster than print.
  • It can accept multiple expressions.

Echo Example->

For Example (pass multiple argument)

Now we want to print all three variable values together. all variables names are define inside the echo statement separated by comm or dot(,or.) it will show the output.

What is Print

  • It is also a statement which is used to display the output and used with the parentheses print() or without the parentheses print.
  • It cannot accept multiple expressions.
  • It is slower than echo as it return a value.
  • It cannot pass multiple argument
  • It always return the value 1.

Example-> now we want to print the name. we simply define $name inside print statement with or without parentheses.
It will show the output: “dharmu”.

For Example (pass multiple argument)

Declare three variable $name, $profile, $age and hold the value (“dharmu,”php developer”,25).
Now check whether it will allow executing multiple arguments.
Pass three variables inside the print statement separated by a comma. As we run this program it shows error.
It means multiple arguments are not allowed in print.

Output: Parse error: syntax error

For Example (Check return type)

In the above example
declare a variable $name hold value=”dharmu”.now we check the return type of print.
So (Print $name) is store in a variable ($ret).
it will show $name value with return type=1.

These other Difference Between echo and print in PHP

Rajesh Kumar
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