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Docker commands Guide – docker tag with examples

Here’s a complete tutorial on docker tag, covering what it does, examples, and use cases.

What is docker tag?

docker tag is a Docker command that creates a new tag (alias) for an existing Docker image. It does not create a new image but assigns a new name or version tag to an existing image ID. This is useful for version control, renaming images, or preparing images for deployment to a registry.

Key Features:

  • Assign multiple tags to the same image.
  • Rename images for better organization.
  • Prepare images for publishing to Docker Hub or private registries.
  • Helps with versioning and managing image lifecycle.

Basic Syntax



  • SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG]: The existing image and optional tag you want to rename.
  • TARGET_IMAGE[:TAG]: The new name and optional tag for the image.

Examples of docker tag

1. Tag an Image with a New Version

docker tag my_app:latest my_app:v1.0

This tags the my_app:latest image as my_app:v1.0.

2. Add a Repository Name for Pushing to Docker Hub

docker tag my_app:latest myusername/my_app:latest

This prepares my_app:latest for pushing to Docker Hub under myusername.

3. Tag an Image with a Different Registry

docker tag my_app:latest registry.example.com/my_app:latest

This tags the image for pushing to a private registry (registry.example.com).

4. Create Multiple Tags for the Same Image

docker tag my_app:latest my_app:stable
docker tag my_app:latest my_app:testing

This creates multiple tags (stable and testing) for the same image.

5. Tag an Image by ID

docker tag a1b2c3d4e5f6 my_app:v2.0

This tags the image with ID a1b2c3d4e5f6 as my_app:v2.0.

6. Rename an Image

docker tag old_name:latest new_name:latest

This renames old_name:latest to new_name:latest.

7. Prepare an Image for Kubernetes Deployment

docker tag my_app:latest registry.example.com/project/my_app:v1.0.0

This tags the image for deployment to a Kubernetes cluster using a specific registry.

8. Use docker tag in Automation Scripts

docker tag my_app:latest my_app:backup_$(date +%Y%m%d)
echo "Image tagged as my_app:backup_$(date +%Y%m%d)"

This script tags the image with a timestamp.

9. Version Control with Semantic Tagging

docker tag my_app:latest my_app:1.0.0
docker tag my_app:latest my_app:1.0
docker tag my_app:latest my_app:1

This helps maintain semantic versioning (major.minor.patch).

10. Tag a Multi-Architecture Image

If you are building for multiple architectures (linux/amd64, linux/arm64), tag each architecture-specific image:

docker tag my_app:arm64 my_app:latest-arm64
docker tag my_app:amd64 my_app:latest-amd64

Use Cases for docker tag

1. Version Control and Image Management

  • Tag images with version numbers for easy reference and rollback.
  • Example: my_app:v1.0, my_app:v2.0.

2. Preparing Images for Deployment

  • Add a tag for pushing images to Docker Hub or private registries.
  • Example: myusername/my_app:latest.

3. Multi-Environment Workflows

  • Tag images for different environments (development, staging, production).
  • Example: my_app:dev, my_app:staging, my_app:prod.

4. Renaming Images

  • Change image names for better organization or when switching repositories.
  • Example: Rename old_app:latest to new_app:latest.

5. Automating CI/CD Pipelines

  • Use docker tag in CI/CD pipelines to version and push images automatically.
  • Example: Tagging with Git commit hashes or build numbers (my_app:build_123).

6. Backup and Rollback

  • Create backup tags before making changes, allowing for easy rollback.
  • Example: my_app:backup_20250207.

7. Multi-Registry Support

  • Prepare images for multiple registries (Docker Hub, AWS ECR, Google Artifact Registry).
  • Example: docker tag my_app:latest gcr.io/project/my_app:latest.

List of Common docker tag Commands

docker tag my_app:latest my_app:v1.0Tag my_app:latest as my_app:v1.0
docker tag my_app:latest myusername/my_app:latestAdd a repository name for Docker Hub
docker tag my_app:latest registry.example.com/my_app:latestTag for a private registry
docker tag old_image:latest new_image:latestRename an image
docker tag a1b2c3d4e5f6 my_app:v2.0Tag an image by its ID
docker tag my_app:latest my_app:backup_20250207Create a timestamped backup tag

Best Practices for Using docker tag:

  1. Follow semantic versioning (major.minor.patch) to maintain a clear image versioning strategy.
  2. Use meaningful tags for different environments (dev, staging, prod).
  3. Tag before pushing to a registry for clarity and traceability.
  4. Automate tagging in CI/CD pipelines for consistent version control.
  5. Avoid ambiguous tags like latest in production—always prefer versioned tags.

Common Errors and Solutions

  1. “No such image”
    → Ensure the source image exists. Use docker images to verify.
  2. “Image is already tagged”
    → This is a warning, not an error. You can re-tag an image with different tags.
  3. “Repository name must be lowercase”
    → Docker image names must be lowercase (e.g., my_app, not My_App).

Combining docker tag with Other Commands

Push Tagged Images to Docker Hub

docker tag my_app:latest myusername/my_app:latest
docker push myusername/my_app:latest

Automate Versioning in CI/CD

docker build -t my_app:latest .
docker tag my_app:latest my_app:v1.0.0
docker push my_app:v1.0.0

Rollback to a Previous Version

docker tag my_app:v1.0 my_app:latest
docker run my_app:latest

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