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GitLab Tutorials: GitLab Container Registry

With the Docker Container Registry integrated into GitLab, every GitLab project can have its own space to store its Docker images.

View the Container Registry

You can view the Container Registry for a project or group.

  1. Go to your project or group.
  2. Go to Packages and registries > Container Registry.

Use images from the Container Registry

To download and run a container image hosted in the GitLab Container Registry:

  1. Copy the link to your container image:
    • Go to your project or group’s Packages and registries > Container Registry and find the image you want.
    • Next to the image name, select Copy.
  2. Use docker run with the image link:docker run [options] [arguments]

Check if the GitLab Container Registry is enabled

As administrator:

  • Check if the Container Registry is enabled by confirmin the availability ot two areas in the GitLab: ‘Admin area’ > Settings > CI/CD OR’Admin Area’ -> Settings > Repository

As a user:

  • The project web page in GitLab instance will show a warning in the top of the project page if the Container Registry is not enabled:
    “Container registry is not enabled on this GitLab instance. Ask an administrator to enable it in order for Auto DevOps to work.”
  • If the project is public, so is the Container Registry. It should be under Packages & Registries > Container Registry. If its not in your sidebar then it is not enabled. ORProject Settings > Container Registry if it is not shown the it is not enabled in your GitLab instance.


Rajesh Kumar
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