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Helm Training Courses and Certification by DevOpsSchool

What is Helm?

Helm is an open-source package manager for Kubernetes. It allows developers to easily manage and deploy applications on a Kubernetes cluster. Helm uses a concept called charts, which are packages of Kubernetes resources that can be easily installed, upgraded, or deleted.

Helm’s main features include:

  • The ability to manage multiple Kubernetes resources as a single package, called a chart.
  • The ability to version charts, allowing for easy rollbacks and upgrades.
  • Support for chart dependencies, allowing multiple charts to be installed and managed together.
  • The ability to define and manage default configuration values for a chart.
  • Support for templating, allowing charts to be customized without modifying the chart itself.

Prerequisite of helm course

A Helm course typically has the following prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge of Kubernetes: Helm is used to manage applications on a Kubernetes cluster, so a basic understanding of – Kubernetes concepts such as pods, services, and deployments is necessary.
  • Familiarity with command-line interface (CLI): Helm is primarily used via the command-line, so a basic understanding of using a CLI is required.
  • Familiarity with Git: Helm charts are typically stored in Git repositories and versioned, so a basic understanding of Git is necessary.
  • It’s also recommended to have the following skills before taking a Helm course:
  • Experience with containerization: Helm is used to deploy and manage containerized applications on a Kubernetes cluster, so experience with containerization technologies such as Docker is beneficial.
  • Experience with YAML: Helm charts are written in YAML, so experience with this markup language is beneficial.
  • Familiarity with Go: Helm uses Go templates to generate Kubernetes manifests, so familiarity with the Go programming language is beneficial.

Agenda of Helm Course

2-day training agenda for Helm could include the following topics:

# Day 1:

  • Introduction to Helm and Kubernetes: Understanding the basics of Helm and how it fits into the Kubernetes ecosystem.
  • Installing Helm: Setting up Helm on your local machine and configuring it to work with a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Creating a Helm Chart: Creating a basic Helm chart from scratch, including metadata, templates, and values.
  • Chart Repositories: Setting up a chart repository and publishing charts to it.
  • Chart Dependencies: Understanding and managing chart dependencies.
  • Helm CLI: Exploring the Helm command-line interface, including common commands such as install, upgrade, and delete.

# Day 2:

  • Templating with Helm: Using Go templates to generate Kubernetes manifests and customizing chart values.
  • Advanced Chart Configuration: Understanding how to configure resources like ConfigMaps, Secrets and more.
  • Helm Hooks: Exploring the use of hooks in Helm charts, including pre- and post-install hooks, and custom hooks.
  • Helm Testing: Using Helm to test charts, including linting and testing with Tiller.
  • Helm Best Practices: Discussing best practices for creating and managing Helm charts, including versioning, testing, and security.
  • Case studies or Examples.
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Certification Courses

DevOpsSchool has introduced a series of professional certification courses designed to enhance your skills and expertise in cutting-edge technologies and methodologies. Whether you are aiming to excel in development, security, or operations, these certifications provide a comprehensive learning experience. Explore the following programs:

DevOps Certification, SRE Certification, and DevSecOps Certification by DevOpsSchool

Explore our DevOps Certification, SRE Certification, and DevSecOps Certification programs at DevOpsSchool. Gain the expertise needed to excel in your career with hands-on training and globally recognized certifications.

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