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What is Google Search Console? How to use it?

In this tutorial i’m going to describe how to use the Search Console to check if your site has any google search manual actions issued against it. This is important, because if a site has a manual action, some or all of that site might not be Shown in Google Search results. After reading this article you are able to find your website has any pages affected by manual actions and if so, how to fix them request google to reviews your changes.

In this article we’ll cover all these topics.

What is Google Search console in SEO?
What are the benefits of Google search console?
How do I access the Google console?
How much does Google console cost?
What can I do with Google Search Console?
How do I add Google console to my website?
How do I make my website appear first on Google?

What is Google Search console?

Google Search Console is a web service Introduced by Google {Google Search Console} helps to monitor, troubleshoot, maintain your site’s Keyword ranking, presence in Google Search results. That includes viewing your referring domains, mobile site performance, rich search results, and highest-traffic queries and pages.

What are the benefits of Google search console?

Google Search Rankings:- Google Search Console helps to improve your keyword ranking results. Covering an entire topic on a single page is KEY for ranking on the first page of Google.

Extremely Relevant Data Collection :- Its tools are made to collect and save relevant data about the website around 10,000 pages in this section of Search Console.

Helps in finding the index errors :- Google Search Console helps to find the index and crawl errors on the website. When one time you’ll crawled your website then it’ll show you the errors your website got, you can then fix the errors and re-invite crawlers to crawl your website again. This helps to solve a lot of errors which can affect the user experience on the website.

Helps you to know which website is linking to you:-  Google Search Console helps you with the Keyword, Query and which website is linking to you and gives an impression on the Search Engine Results Page. It’s also how many clicks you Got.

Helps you to know the queries and keywords you are ranking for :-

It helps to show Keyword performance, how many keywords is rank and whats there improvement. You can get all round search analytics at one place.

How do I access the Google Search  console?

You can easily access your Google Search  console. Enter your email address and password to sign in, and the console appears. Go to this link Google Search Console and logging in to the Google Search Console.

Begin using Google Search Console for your business by logging into the platform.

What can I do with Google Search Console? 

In the Google Search Console you can easily monitor your website traffic, ranking and make informed decisions about the appearance of your site’s search results. Google Search Console provides tools which help with this day-to-day management. It lets you do things like submit and monitor your XML sitemaps, ask Google to (re)evaluate your errors, or see how Google sees particular pages and URLs on your site, for example. Lots of do work with Google Search Console like submit and monitor your XML sitemaps, ask Google to (re)evaluate your errors, or see how Google sees particular pages and URLs on your site, for example. 

How do I add Google console to my website?

  • Go to Google Search Console.
  • Login or click ‘Start Now, 
  • Sign into your Google account. 
  • Go to Google Webmaster Tools.
  • Click “Add a property.”
  • Choose “Website” from the drop-down menu and enter the URL of your site.
  • Click “Continue

Open the property selector dropdown and then select +Add property. In Google Search Console “domain properties” is the new way to verify, search, and combine all data from existing URL’s.

How do I make my website appear first on Google?

In Domain Properties put your Domain URL. Domain properties include all domain-level properties (subdomains such as m and www, and protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS) and require only DNS verification. Google Search Console to let site owners, webmasters, developers, and SEOs see a whole view of a domain name in one area. Google used to handle this with property sets, but Google announced on Tuesday that property sets are going away.

Getting on the first page of Google requires regularly creating high-quality content that Google recognizes is satisfying the needs of its searchers. 

This takes time, but the increased traffic and trust that will result is well for log time.

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Amit Kumar