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How to backup and restore Gerrit server?

How to backup and restore gerrit server?

There are 3 coponent which should be backed up in gerrit

  1. Repository – According to me best way to backup the repository is to setup a replication with other gerrit hosting tools using gerrit replication plugins. The steps can be find as below;
  2. Gerrit Database
    Depends on the database, you should take the database backup. It can be H2 or mysql….
  3. Gerrit Config
    Rysnc is the best tools to take the entire gerrit site backup.

How to replicate Gerrit repository using replication plugins?

Step 1- Setup Gerrit Server

Step 2 – Create a Project in Gerrit

Step 3 – Setup a Developement Machine
git clone http://admin@ && (cd prj1 && curl -kLo `git rev-parse –git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg http://admin@; chmod +x `git rev-parse –git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)

Step 4: Sample Commits to be done
> touch file1.txt;git add .;git commit -m”adding first version”

Step 5: Sample push and submit it
> git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

Step 6: create it $site_path/etc/replication.config

Content of the files is –
[remote “github”]
url = git@github.com:scmgalaxy/${name}.git

Within each URL value the magic placeholder `${name}` is replaced with the Gerrit project name.

Step 7: Generate a public/private key

> ssh-keygen -t rsa

Step 8: create a “config” under /root/.ssh

Host github.com
User git
IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_rsa
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

Step 9: Update the public key to github

Step 10: Create a repo in Github.com with same name.

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