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How to Setup Docker Registry/Repository on Jfrog Artifactory Pro On-Prem?

The Docker client limitations:

  • You cannot use a context path when providing the registry path (e.g localhost:8082/artifactory is not valid)
  • Docker will only send basic HTTP authentication when working against an HTTPS host or when using the insecure registry flag

Artifactory offers solutions to these limitations

Artifactory offers solutions to these limitations allowing you to create and use any number of Docker registries.

  • Using a reverse proxy: – When used, a reverse proxy, maps Docker commands to one of the multiple Docker registries in Artifactory
  • Without a reverse proxy: From version 5.8, Artifactory supports using Docker without the use of a reverse proxy allowing you to create and use multiple Docker registries in Artifactory out-of-the-box.

Using a Reverse Proxy

When using Artifactory with a reverse proxy, you need to map Docker commands to Docker registries in Artifactory using either

  • The subdomain method,
  • ports method or
  • repository path method.

Ports method

With the ports method, a port number is mapped to each Artifactory Docker registry. While this is an easy way to get started, you will need to modify your reverse proxy configuration and add a new mapping for each new Docker registry you define in Artifactory. In addition, firewalls and other restrictions by your IT department may restrict port numbers making the ports method not feasible.

The subdomain method

With the subdomain method, you only need to configure your reverse proxy once, and from then on, the mapping from Docker commands to Docker registries in Artifactory is dynamic and requires no further modification of your reverse proxy configuration.

Repository path method

The repository path method allows a single point of entry (URL) to access different repositories. This is done by embedding the name of the repository being accessed into the image path.

Step 1 – Register and Login bintray.com

Url – https://bintray.com/

Step 2 – Get a API key

Browse https://bintray.com/profile/edit & Tab called “API Key”

Step 3 – In Host Machine, Login to jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io

$ docker login -u scmgalaxy -p 543a55849465b127357a92231f63b321980f1fb jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io

Step 4 – Pull the Artifactory image.

$ docker pull jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-pro:6.1.0

Step 5 – Run the Artifactory Image

$ docker run -d -p 8081:8081 jfrog-docker-reg2.bintray.io/jfrog/artifactory-pro:6.1.0

Step 6 – Browse the Artifactory
admin / password

Step 7 – Get a Artifactory trial License

Get a Trial Artifactory trial using https://jfrog.com/artifactory/free-trial/

Step 8 – Apply License

Step 9 – Create Docker repo using Artifactory

Create Docker repo using Artifactory and in Repo Advance Setting, use Docker Access Method “Repostory Path”. and Note down the Repo

Step 10 – Convert Docker default https to http

Convert Docker default https to http using
i.e –

Step 11 – Stop and Start Docker Engine

$ systemctl stop docker
$ systemctl start docker
$ docker start cont-id-artifactory

Step 12 – Login / Push / Pull now

$ docker login -u admin -p password
$ docker pull<IMAGE>:<TAG>
$ docker push<IMAGE>:<TAG>
$ docker push
$ docker pull<IMAGE>:<TAG>

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