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How to setup vmware Tanzu on Azure?

Different types of vmware Tanzu Edition


  • https://tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu/basic
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Kubernetes-Grid/index.html
  • https://tanzu.vmware.com/kubernetes-grid
  • – https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Kubernetes-Grid/1.3/vmware-tanzu-kubernetes-grid-13/GUID-index.html


  • https://tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu/standard
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid


  • https://tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu/advanced
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid

Deploy Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters to Azure

  • https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Kubernetes-Grid/1.3/vmware-tanzu-kubernetes-grid-13/GUID-tanzu-k8s-clusters-azure.html

Documentation – Tanzu Application Service

  • http://docs.pivotal.io/

Installing Tanzu Application Service on Azure

  • https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/customizing/azure.html
  • https://docs.pivotal.io/application-service/2-11/concepts/overview.html

Tanzu Application Service on Azure – Overview

Running Tanzu Application Service Efficiently on Microsoft Azure

Tanzu Application Service on Azure Marketplace Deployment Guide


How to get Service Principal info of Azure?

  • https://docs.pivotal.io/ops-manager/2-10/azure/prepare-env-manual.html

Step 1 - Open a Cloud Shell

Step 2 - Get a List of Azure Subscription
$ az account list

Step 3 - Set a desire subs for Vmware Tanzu work
$ az account set --subscription b7ca07cd-7640-4681-82dc-51722f7f2cc0

Step 4 - Save a tenantID as well for your Subscription
"tenantId": "bc0f52a6-5a6d-45f4-8842-36ab113a5eb5",

Step 5 - Create an AAD Application
$ az ad app create --display-name "Service Principal for BOSH" \
--password "Swordfish" --homepage "http://BOSHAzureCPI" \
--identifier-uris "http://BOSHAzureCPI"

# Record - "appId": "2203c3cb-29c4-4d71-8cdf-ab1df730491d",
# Record - Directory (tenant) ID - bc0f52a6-5a6d-45f4-8842-36ab113a5eb5

Step 6 - Go to your subscription and search for "IAM" & Create and Configure a Service Principal
$ az ad sp create --id YOUR-APPLICATION-ID
$ az ad sp create --id 2203c3cb-29c4-4d71-8cdf-ab1df730491d

# Record servicePrincipalNames
  "servicePrincipalNames": [

Step 7 - You must have the Owner role on your service principal to deploy Ops Manager to Azure. To assign the Owner role on your service principal, run the following command:

$ az role assignment create --assignee "SERVICE-PRINCIPAL-NAME" \
--role "Owner" --scope /subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION-ID

$ az role assignment create --assignee "2203c3cb-29c4-4d71-8cdf-ab1df730491d" \
--role "Owner" --scope /subscriptions/b7ca07cd-7640-4681-82dc-51722f7f2cc0

Step 8 - To verify the role assignment, run the following command:
$ az role assignment list --assignee "SERVICE-PRINCIPAL-NAME"
Where "SERVICE-PRINCIPAL-NAME" is any value of servicePrincipalNames from the output above, such as YOUR-APPLICATION-ID.

$ az role assignment list --assignee "2203c3cb-29c4-4d71-8cdf-ab1df730491d"

Step 9: Verify Your Service Principal
$ az login --username 2203c3cb-29c4-4d71-8cdf-ab1df730491d --password Swordfish \
--service-principal --tenant bc0f52a6-5a6d-45f4-8842-36ab113a5eb5

Step 10: Perform Registrations. To register your subscription with Microsoft.Storage, run the following command:
$ az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage

Step 11: To register your subscription with Microsoft.Network, run the following command:
$ az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Network

Step 12: To register your subscription with Microsoft.Compute, run the following command:
$ az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Compute

Step 13: Craete your Service Principal file in json

{ "subscriptionID": "b7ca07cd-7640-4681-82dc-51722f7f2cc0", "tenantID": "bc0f52a6-5a6d-45f4-8842-36ab113a5eb5", "clientID": "2203c3cb-29c4-4d71-8cdf-ab1df730491d", "clientSecret": "Swordfish" }

clientID == APPID

Step 14: Login and Registration @ https://network.pivotal.io/

Step 15: Request for "UAA API TOKEN" and record it.

Token - b242fa36071b4683a7b553c0c40475a5-r

Step 16 - Access https://portal.azure.com/#create/pivotal.pivotal-cloud-foundryazure-pcf and create a stack using below image

Sample of Service principal json file

{ "subscriptionID": "b7ca07cd-7640-4681-82dc-51722f7f2cc0", "tenantID": "bc0f52a6-5a6d-45f4-8842-36ab113a5eb5", "clientID": "2203c3cb-29c4-4d71-8cdf-ab1df730491d", "clientSecret": "Swordfish" }

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