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How to Upload a package using Maven in Artifactory?

Prerequisite#1 – JAVA

Prerequisite#2 – Artifactory

Prerequisite#3 – Maven

Prerequisite#3 – How to work with Artifactory aka Artifactory Workflow

Step 1 – Create a empty directory and get inside it

$ cd /opt/
$ yum install tree -y
$ mkdir myjava
$ cd myajava

Step 2 – Create a Sample Maven – Java Project & Go inside it

$ mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.devopsschool.software -DartifactId=chat -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
$ cd chat
$ tree

Step 3 – Understand Maven and POM.xml

Step 4 – Do a test Compile – test – Package

$ mvn compile
$ mvn test
$ mvn package

Step 5 – Modify pom.xml of maven project with a repository of artifcatory

maven element – distributionManagement


Step 6 – Modify settings.xml of maven config with a access of artifcatory

1. Add following code into setting.xml under “servers” element of settings.xml

2. Make sure that “id” of server element in settings.xml MUST match with repository/snapshotRepository id of pom.xml

$ vi /opt/apache-maven-3.8.1/conf/settings.xml


ELEMENT ID in Settings.xml and pom.xml MUST Match

Step 7 – Run a maven command to deploy a package to artifcatory repo.

$ mvn deploy

Step 8 – Modify pom.xml of maven project and Make sure version is released.

$ mvn deploy

Step 9 – Verify BOTH(Snapshot) & Release in Artifactory

Demo Repo – https://github.com/devopsschool-demo-labs-projects/helloworld-java-maven

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