This post is about using ANT to perform some of the most common source-control related tasks such as export, tagging, and branching. I am using ANT version 1.7.0 and SVN Ant version 1.1-rc3, bound against Subversion 1.4.0.
The related software can be downloaded here:
1. SVN Ant =
2. ANT =
I shall start with, which lists a few key/value pairs used in our SVN Ant task build file, referred as svn-tasks.xml:
Content of
####START of SVN Properties ####
svn.username=user name to access repo
svn.password=password to access repo
#This shall be name of the tag,
#This property should always be updated before build starts
#This property shall be used to export
#This shall be name of new branch,
#this property should be used only when new branch is to be created
####END of SVN Properties ####
Content of svn-tasks.xml:
<property file=””></property>
<!– SVN and SVN-ANT Tasks properties –>
<property name=”svn.repository.url” value=”${svn.repository.url}”/>
<property name=”svn.project.base.path” value=”${svn.project.base.path}” />
<property name=”svn.base.url” value=”${svn.repository.url}/${svn.project.base.path}”/>
<property name=”svnant.lib.dir” location=”svn-ant-lib”/>
<property name=”svnant.javahl” value=”false” />
<property name=”svnant.svnkit” value=”true” />
<!– SVN and SVN-ANT Tasks properties –>
<!– *************************************************************** –>
<!– Set-Up of SVN-ANT classpath –>
<!– *************************************************************** –>
<path id=”svnant.classpath”>
<fileset dir=”${svnant.lib.dir}”>
<include name=”**/*.jar” />
<!– *************************************************************** –>
<!– Loading of SVN task –>
<!– *************************************************************** –>
<typedef resource=”org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml” classpathref=”svnant.classpath” />
<!– *************************************************************** –>
<!– tool-availability: Determine if SVN-ANT is available. –>
<!– *************************************************************** –>
<target name=”tool-availability”>
<available resource=”org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml”
<echo message=”SVN-ANT is available = ${available.svnant}”/>
<!– **************************************************************** –>
<!– does-svnant-exist: depends on tool-availablility and –>
<!– displays error message –>
<!– ***************************************************************** –>
<target name=”does-svnant-exist” depends=”tool-availability”>
<fail unless=”available.svnant”>
SVN-ANT is not available, cannot perform tagging or checkout/export svn ant task.
<!– ****************************************************************** –>
<!– svntag: performs tagging using properties from –>
<!– and uses SVNANT tasks –>
<!– ******************************************************************* –>
<target name=”svntag” description=”tags individual project using svnant task”>
<property name=”svn.tag.message” value=”Tagging Project ${} with tag name ${} from trunk “/>
<property name=”src.url” value=”${svn.base.url}/${}/trunk/”/>
<property name=”dest.url” value=”${svn.base.url}/${}/tags/${}”/>
<echo message=”${svn.tag.message}”/>
<echo message=”${src.url}”/>
<echo message=”${dest.url}”/>
<svn javahl=”${svnant.javahl}” svnkit=”${svnant.svnkit}” username=”${svn.username}” password=”${svn.password}”>
<copy srcUrl=”${src.url}” destUrl=”${dest.url}” message=”${svn.tag.message}”/>
<!– ****************************************************************** –>
<!– svnexport: performs export using properties from –>
<!– and uses SVNANT tasks –>
<!– ****************************************************************** –>
<target name=”svnexport” description=”exports individual project using svnant task”>
<property name=”svn.tag.message” value=”Exporting Project ${} with tag name ${}”/>
<property name=”src.url” value=”${svn.base.url}/${}/tags/${}”/>
<property name=”destPath” value=”${dest.path}”/>
<echo message=”${svn.tag.message}”/>
<svn javahl=”${svnant.javahl}” svnkit=”${svnant.svnkit}” username=”${svn.username}” password=”${svn.password}”>
<export srcUrl=”${src.url}” destPath=”${destPath}/${}”/>
<!– ****************************************************************** –>
<!– svnbranch: creates a new branch using properties from –>
<!– and uses SVNANT tasks –>
<!– ****************************************************************** –>
<target name=”svnbranch” description=”creates a new branch for individual project using svnant task”>
<property name=”svn.branch.message” value=”Creating new branch for
Project ${} with new branch name ${} from
<property name=”src.url” value=”${svn.base.url}/${}/trunk/”/>
<property name=”dest.url” value=”${svn.base.url}/${}/branches/${}”/>
<echo message=”${svn.branch.message}”/>
<echo message=”${src.url}”/>
<echo message=”${dest.url}”/>
<svn javahl=”${svnant.javahl}” svnkit=”${svnant.svnkit}”
username=”${svn.username}” password=”${svn.password}”>
<copy srcUrl=”${src.url}” destUrl=”${dest.url}” message=”${svn.branch.message}”/>
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