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Install Knative with YAML using minikube


kn cli

We need to install kn cli

Knative Serving

For prototyping purposes, Knative works on most local deployments of Kubernetes. For example, you can use a local, one-node cluster that has 3 CPUs and 4 GB of memory.

Knative Eventing
For prototyping purposes, Knative works on most local deployments of Kubernetes. For example, you can use a local, one-node cluster that has 3 CPUs and 4 GB of memory. If you have only one node in your cluster, you need at least 6 CPUs, 6 GB of memory, and 30 GB of disk storage.

Start Minikube Cluster

# Delete Old minikube Cluster
$ minikube stop 
$ minikube delete

# Start minikub clustor. 6 Core is need if you are running in Windows with minikube
$ minikube start --memory 8000 --cpus 6 --driver=virtualbox --no-vtx-check

# Verify minikube k8 cluster
$ minikube status
$ kubectl get nodes

Installing Knative Serving using YAML

Rajesh Kumar
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