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InstallAce Miscellaneous Task

created the topic: InstallAce Miscellaneous Task

Q. How can I set individual property or advance properties of (IIS) Web Server objects that are not available in property list?

You may use the ‘PropertySettings’ attribute of Server Task to define list of custom properties that are not included in the standard property list. The detailed description of contents format has been provided as part of property description with in the Designer.

If you want Installer to only change a few/single property on IIS Server then define the desired property settings in the ‘PropertySettings’ atttibute and set ‘IgnoreIndividualSettings’ to ‘true’. If ‘IgnoreIndividualSettings’ is true then Installer Service does not process the standard property list.

Q. How can I manage server side Configuration files?

If the earlier installation was not done using InstallAce then create a new solution and add the configuration file into Solution by creating a new Server & Folder Structure. Please make sure that the ‘Deployment Instruction’ is set to ‘Condition: File must pre-exist on target environment’ so that the pre-existing configuration file is not overwritten because few settings may have been ,modified post initial deployment, to match with production environment. With this ‘Deployment Instruction’, the Installation Manager will validate that the file is already existing on the target Server and will also not replace the existing file. Still we need to add this file into Solution to resolve target location. Once the configuration file has been added into the Solution, then open the ‘Configuration Files Settings’ window and you will see the Configuration file in the files drop down. Add ‘Configure XML Node’ or ‘Configure Attribute’ Configuration Task and set Task properties appropriately. Run the solution using Installation Manager and the Server side file(s) would be updated as per defined configuration. Please refer to Online Tutorials for better understanding of Configuration Tasks.

Q. What Scripting Platforms are supported?

VBScript & PowerShell Scripts can be executed using Server Tasks.

Q. How can I trap errors raised by VBScripts on Server side?

Installation Manager capture the VBScript execution errors raised on Server side and same are displayed within the Installation Manager dashboard.

Q. What is the use of Installation Checklist?

Using Installation Checklist application developer can provide instructions to the support team to help them in making pre-installation changes in the Solution contents and by marking critical steps as mandatory, application developer can ensure that installation is not done until all settings have been verified.

Q. What is the use of User Instruction?

Application developer can attach User Instructions with various contents to provide instructions to the support team to help them in understanding & making pre-installation changes in the Solution contents.

Rajesh Kumar
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