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Top Jenkins interview questions and answers

What is a basic requirement for using Jenkins?

To use Jenkins you require: A source code repository that is accessible, for instance, a Git repository. A working build script, e.g., a Maven script, is checked into the repository.

What are the components in Jenkins?

Jenkins is mainly integrated with two components. These include version systems and build tools. While Git and SVN are examples of the former, Apache Maven is an example of the latter.

What are plugins in Jenkins?

Plugins are the primary means of enhancing the functionality of a Jenkins environment to suit organization- or user-specific needs. There are over a thousand different plugins that can be installed on a Jenkins controller and integrate various build tools, cloud providers, analysis tools, and much more.

What is unit testing in Jenkins?

Jenkins provides an out of box functionality for Junit and provides a host of plugins for unit testing for other technologies, an example being MSTest. Net Unit tests. If you go to the link it will give the list of Unit Testing plugins available.

What is an agent in Jenkins?

An agent is typically a machine, or container, which connects to a Jenkins controller and executes tasks when directed by the controller. … The central, coordinating process that stores configuration, loads plugins, and renders the various user interfaces for Jenkins.

Why Jenkins is popular?

Jenkins is one of the essential CI/CD tools for DevOps professionals. It is one of the most trusted and well-known open-source tools. Jenkins is used for building and testing software projects continuously which makes it easy for developers to integrate changes in a project.

What are the three blocks in the Jenkins pipeline?

It contains a group of states called to build, deploy, test and release. These events are interlinked with each other. Every state has its events, which work in a sequence called a continuous delivery pipeline.  

What are the parameters in Jenkins?

build parameter allows us to pass data into our Jenkins jobs. Using build parameters, we can pass any data we want: git branch name, secret credentials, hostnames and ports, and so on. Any Jenkins job or pipeline can be parameterized.

What is Jenkins migration?

You can: Move a job from one installation of Jenkins to another by simply copying the corresponding job directory. Make a copy of an existing job by making a clone of a job directory by a different name. Rename an existing job by renaming a directory.

Rajesh Kumar
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