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Jenkins Troubleshooting Guide



Jenkins Troubleshooting

Jenkins is one of the important CI tools which many organization used as part of their Build and DevOps infrasture. I am going to consolidate all the troubshooting techniques which can be used in order to find any issues related in jenkins.

Step 1. Take a look at Log generated by the jenkins and plugins via http://jenkins-master/log

Note: Here you can also create your own logger and and set your custom log levels such as (severe, warning, info, config, file, finer, finest, all)

Step 2. Also, you can look at /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log via doing “tail -f /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log” and check carefully whats breaking it.

Log file in windows – jenkins.err.log & jenkins.out.log

Slave log file in windows – logs\slaves

Step 3. Check the system log file

Step 4. Few Jenkins plugins which can you help you

Step 4. Make sure your Jenkins & installed plugins version is installed with most uptodate stable release.

Some Common issues:
Issues 1. If Jenkins hangs, follow

Issues 2 Site is down with no 404 messages
Cause- Jenkins had an Out of Memory (OOM) error causing the server to kill the jenkins instance
Solution: Restart server; Review heap logs to identify root cause of error

Issues 3 Site is up however no jobs are displayed
Cause 1: AWS Server rebooted but data volume did not mount properly
Solution: mount <device> <path> on the instance

Issues 4 – java.lang.outofmemoryerror permgen space issues

Solution –

Rajesh Kumar
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