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Kapitan Commands line Reference

Merges inventory and inputs and produces generated files in the output folder (/compiled by default)

$ kapitan compile

Compiles one or more targets selected by name using –targets or -t

$ kapitan compile -t mysql tesoro

Compiles one or more targets selected matching labels with –labels or -l

$ kapitan compile -l customer=acme

Use the –fetch flag to fetch Remote Inventories and the External Dependencies.

This will download the dependencies according to their configurations By default, kapitan does not overwrite an existing item with the same name as that of the fetched inventory items.

$ kapitan compile --fetch

Use the –force-fetch flag to force fetch

to force fetch (update cache with freshly fetched items) and overwrite inventory items of the same name in the output_path.

$ kapitan compile --force-fetch

Use the –cache flag to cache the fetched items in the .dependency_cache directory in the root project directory.

$ kapitan compile --cache --fetch

The –embed-refs flags tells Kapitan to embed these references on compile,

alongside the generated output. By doing so, compiled output is self-contained and can be revealed by Tesoro or other tools.

$ kapitan compile --embed-refs

kapitan compile –help

$ kapitan compile --help

Renders the resulting inventory values for a specific target. For example, rendering the inventory for the mysql target:

$ kapitan inventory
$ kapitan inventory -t mysql

Perform a checkup on your inventory or refs.

$ ./kapitan lint

Shows all inventory files where a variable is declared:

$ ./kapitan searchvar parameters.components.*.image

Validates the schema of compiled output

$ kapitan validate
$ kapitan compile --validate
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