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Knative Tutorials: Knative Service: Traffic management: Using tags to create target URLs

You can manage traffic routing to different Revisions of a Knative Service by modifying the traffic spec of the Service resource.

  • When you create a Knative Service, it does not have any default traffic spec settings.
  • By setting the traffic spec, you can split traffic over any number of fixed Revisions, or send traffic to the latest Revision by setting latestRevision: true in the spec for a Service.
  • When a tag attribute is applied to a Route, an address for the specific traffic target is created.
  • In this example, you can access the staging target by accessing staging-…
  • The targets for example-service-2 and example-service-3 can only be accessed using the main route, …
  • When a traffic target is tagged, a new Kubernetes Service is created for that Service, so that other Services can access it within the cluster.
  • From the previous example, a new Kubernetes Service called staging- will be created in the same namespace.
Rajesh Kumar
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