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Linux Tutorials: grep command & example

Find text in a file/files. The grep command searches through many files at a time to find a piece of text you are looking for.


$ grep failed transaction.log

The above command will find all of the words in the files that matched the word ‘failed’.

grep command reference and example

   28  man grep
   29  clear
   30  ls
   31  more yum.log
   32  more dmesg.old
   33  clear
   34  grep BIOS dmesg.old
   35  clear
   36  ls
   37  grep -R error .
   38  clear
   39  grep -R -i error .
   40  clear
   41  grep -R -i error .
   42  grep -R -i error . | grep -v BERT
   49  grep error dmesg
   50  grep error dmesg dmesg.old
   51  grep error dmesg dmesg.old messages
   52  grep -R -i error .
   54  grep error dmesg
   55  grep -i error dmesg
   56  cd
   57  ls
   58  ls /var/log/ | grep -i error
   59  ls /var/log/ | grep *.log
   60  ls /var/log/ | grep .log
   61  ls /var/log/ | grep .log | grep -v yum
   62  cd /var/log/
   63  ls
   64  clear
   65  grep -o error dmesg
   66  grep -o Error dmesg
   67  grep Error dmesg
   68  grep -n Error dmesg
   69  grep -c error .
   70  grep -c error
   71  grep -c error *
   72  grep -c -i error *
Rajesh Kumar
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