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Octopus Deploy – Send a Notification When Deployments Fail

If you are using Octopus Deploy as part of a continuous delivery pipeline, you’ll probably find that deployments don’t fail very often. This means, you need to send an email about staus of each deployment process to differnet stake holders.

Here is a simple email notification step that tells you when a deployment fails, including a reasonable amount of information about the failure.

You must also needs to understand a Octopus Deploy system variable which can be used to customized a email body. As a work-around you could use two steps for sending the ‘status-email’:

  • One step sending ‘success’-email. This step should have its ‘Run condition’ set to ‘Success: only run when previous steps are successfull’.
  • Another step sending ‘failure’-email. This step should have ‘Run condition’ set to ‘Failure: only run when a previous step failed’.

Perhaps the system-variables Octopus.Deployment.Error Octopus.Deployment.ErrorDetail could also be helpfull.

Rajesh Kumar
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