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Oracle Tutorials: Command line reference

# Oracle command to list the database
$ lsnrctl status

# How to know list of Oracle instance in my cluster?
$ srvctl status instance -db <db_name>
$ srvctl status instance -db orcl

# This command will display the current status of the "sales1" database instance on the "node1" node, including whether it is running or not, and any other relevant information about the instance's state.
$ srvctl status instance -d <database_name> -i <instance_name>
$ srvctl status instance -d sales -i sales1 -n node1

# Command to Know all list of oracle rac node
$ olsnodes -n -i

# check the status of nodes
$ srvctl status nodeapps -n <node_name>

# check the status of all nodes
$ srvctl status nodeapps 

# To check what database we have in this cluster.
$ srvctl config database
$ srvctl status database -d bbdc
$ srvctl status database -d bbdc -n node-name1

# Verify that all the nodes in the RAC cluster are up and running
$ crsctl stat res -t

# Check the status of the RAC database
$ srvctl status database -d <database_name>

# Ensure that the RAC database is in ARCHIVELOG mode
$ archive log list

# Ensure that the RAC database has the necessary tablespaces
$ select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;

# Verify that the RAC database has the required privileges
$ select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='<user>';

# This command displays the SCAN name, SCAN IP address, and SCAN port number for the RAC cluster. You can also use the DNS or a local host file to look up the SCAN IP address.
$ srvctl config scan

# Connect a Oracle Cluster and List the users
$ sqlplus BAOBAB/Tcb#1234567@TWOUATDR
SQL> select table_name from users_tabels;

Rajesh Kumar
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