
Power Point PPT: Why Software Configuration Management – Prsesentation

Power Point PPT: Why Software Configuration Management Why Scm from Rajesh Kumar  

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Power Point PPT: Introduction of Apache Ant

Power Point PPT: Introduction of Apache Ant {slideshare}[slideshare id=1117750&doc=introductiontoant1-090308134214-phpapp01]{/slideshare}

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Power Point PPT: Introduction of Apache Ant

Power Point PPT: Introduction of Apache Ant Introduction To Ant from Rajesh Kumar

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Syncro SVN Client v5.1 for Windows, Linux & MacOSX – Features

Syncro SVN Client makes easier the document and code sharing between content authors or developers. This multiplatform Subversion front-end allows you to browse repositories, check for changes, commit changes, update…

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Powerful New Amazon EC2 Boot Features – Introduction

Today a powerful new feature is available for our Amazon EC2 customers: the ability to boot their instances from Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store). Customers like the simplicity of the…

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Cloud Computing and ROI

Cloud Computing and ROI Most think cloud computing is about the ability to save operational costs. That may or may not be the case, depending upon your enterprise or ecommerce…

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Overcoming Cloud Computing Obstacles – Cloud Computing adoption challenges

Overcoming Cloud Computing Obstacles How to Make the Case to Switch to the Cloud Companies choosing the cloud computing route often have to make the case for the switch to…

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Upgrading Continuum – Continuum Upgradation Guide

This document will help you upgrade Continuum from 1.2.x to 1.3.3 and above. When upgrading Continuum, it could have some database model changes. Usually these changes will be migrated for…

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Apache Continuum Version 1.3.6 Beta 1 – What’s new in Apache Continuum ?

The Apache Continuum team have released a beta of Apache Continuum 1.3.6. Apache Continuum is a continuous integration server, which offers automated builds, role-based security, release management and integration with…

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Read About Windows 7 Deployment Best Practices

Windows 7 Deployment Best Practices This week, I and my colleagues are at the IT Business Edge Midmarket CIO Summit, where we are focusing on the needs and concerns of…

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Syncro Soft Announces New Release of Syncro SVN Client

Syncro Soft Announces New Release of Syncro SVN Client Syncro Soft Ltd, the producer of Syncro SVN Client, has announced the immediate availability of version 5.1 of its Subversion (SVN)…

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List of All Possible Maven Interview Questions and Answer

Is there a way to use the current date in the POM? Take a look at the buildnumber plugin. It can be used to generate a build date each time…

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How to Run/Deploy Java EE applications on Amazon EC2?

Running Java EE applications on Amazon EC2: deploying to 20 machines with no money down Computer hardware has traditionally been a scarce, expensive resource. In the early days of computing…

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EC2Deploy and the Cloud Tools Maven plugin are now available

I’m pleased to announce that EC2Deploy – a Groovy-based framework for deploying Java EE applications to Amazon EC2 – is now available as part of the Cloud Tools open source…

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Cloud Tools now supports Amazon Elastic Block Store

One of the exciting new features of Amazon EC2 is Elastic Block Store, which provides truly durable storage for your instances. Prior to EBS, the contents of the file system…

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Amazon EC2 key pairs and other stumbling blocks – Guide

While working with Cloud Tools and Cloud Foundry users, I have noticed that EC2 key pairs and security group configuration are common stumbling blocks for people who are new to…

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Cloud Computing Trends | Cloud Adoption Analysis | Organizations

We just finished the first decade of this century/millennium. The early part of this decade saw great worry about the Year 2000 problem. Much gloom and doom was predicted, but…

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Workforce Management Software Helps Call Centers Save Money

One way to increase revenues in your inbound call center might be via workforce management software. For call centers that realize revenue by answering calls (be they catalogues, reservation centers,…

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Running MSBuild 4.0 and MSBuild 3.5 on Continuous Integration

With Visual Studio 2010 RC released recently, we jumped on the release and began to code with VS2010.  One issue that popped up was that now all builds were targeting…

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Issues Compiling VS2010 solutions (with web projects) from Nant | MSB4064 error

Recently I upgraded a project of mine (the Dimecasts code base) to use VisualStudio 2010.  In the process everything worked just fine from the IDE, but when I tried to…

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JUnit 4 Test Logging Tips using SLF4J

When writing JUnit tests developers often add log statements that can help provide information on test failures. During the initial attempt to find a failure a simple System.out.println() statement is…

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Why and how to use Jetty in mission-critical production

This article is a summary of a seminar I had on the topic. If it seems like it’s a continuation of an existing discussion that’s because, to some extent, it…

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Understand Cloud Computing in Simple Terms – Maximumbit Inc

Cloud Computing is an emerging computing technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without…

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Cloud Computing: The Computer is out the Window!

Debates have been heating up about Cloud Computing (CC). Biggest challenge is security and bigger bigger challenge is ‘control’ of a company’s tech assets. The only limitation so far has…

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Cloud Computing Selection: Cloud Infrastructure Service Providers

There are list of solution which provides Cloud Infrastructures for Hardware as a service (HAAS) or Software as a Services(SAAS). AllenPort AllenPort’s technology handles file management chores like backup, file…

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Jacksum – a java checksum utility – Introduction and usage

Jacksum, a java checksum utility Software Name : Jacksum Website : http://jacksum.net/en/index.html Version : 1.7.0 Jacksum is a platform independent checksum utility (written entirely in Java) for computing and verifying (integrity…

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Introduction of RFT(Rational Functional Testing)

Introduction of RFT(Rational Functional Testing) Functional Tester is available in two integrated development environments and two scripting languages. Functional Tester, Javaâ„¢ Scripting uses the Java language and the IBM® Rational®…

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Advance Features of Smart Build Tools

Table of Contents Agile Development Challenges Deployment Challenges Build Acceleration Challenges Integration with Elastic and Cloud Computing Workflow Management Reference:   Agile Development Challenges Two of the core principles of…

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Disadvantages of Bamboo – Bamboo Expert Review

Bamboo Disappointment Being a big fan of Atlassian’s Confluence and Jira, it was with much anticipation that installed Bamboo, the continuous integration (CI) engine they’ve released. Perhaps these high expectations…

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Bamboo Vs TeamCity Vs CruiseControl – Continuous Integration Expert Review

Difference between Bamboo Vs TeamCity Vs CruiseControl TEAMCITY TC pre-tested commit is good. TC integrates to Visual Studio which is our main IDE. JetBrains are more focused on supporting .NET…

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