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PHP Tutorials: List of command line tools in PHP

PHP provides a number of command line tools that can be used for various purposes such as testing, debugging, and building applications. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used command line tools in PHP:

  1. php: The php command is used to execute PHP scripts on the command line.
  2. phpunit: PHPUnit is a unit testing framework for PHP. It can be used to test individual functions, classes, and entire applications.
  3. composer: Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP. It is used to manage dependencies for a PHP project and can be used to install, update, and remove packages.
  4. phpcs: PHP CodeSniffer is a tool that checks PHP code against coding standards. It can be used to detect coding errors and enforce coding standards.
  5. phpcbf: PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer is a tool that automatically fixes coding standards violations detected by PHP CodeSniffer.
  6. phpdcd: PHP Dead Code Detector is a tool that detects unused code in PHP projects.
  7. phpmd: PHP Mess Detector is a tool that detects potential problems in PHP code such as unused variables and excessive complexity.
  8. phpt: PHPT is a testing tool for PHP that is used to test individual functions and features of PHP.
  9. phar: Phar is a tool that is used to create and manipulate PHP archives. It can be used to package PHP applications and libraries.
  10. phpdbg: PHP Debugger is a tool that is used to debug PHP scripts on the command line. It provides a number of debugging features such as breakpoints and step-by-step execution.
Rajesh Kumar
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