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Prometheus Assignment & Excercise

  • What is Prometheus? What are some of Prometheus’s main features?
  • In what scenarios it might be better to NOT use Prometheus?
  • Describe Prometheus architecture and components
  • Can you compare Prometheus to other solutions like InfluxDB for example?
  • What is an Alert?
  • Describe the following Prometheus components:
  • Prometheus server
  • Push Gateway
  • Alert Manager
  • What is an Instance? What is a Job?
  • What core metrics types Prometheus supports?
  • What is an exporter? What is it used for?
  • Which Prometheus best practices are you familiar with?. Name at least three
  • How to get total requests in a given period of time?
  • What HA in Prometheus means?
  • How do you join two metrics?
  • How to write a query that returns the value of a label?
  • How do you convert cpu_user_seconds to cpu usage in percentage?
Rajesh Kumar
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