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Questions on Hudson

scmuser created the topic: Questions on Hudson

I have setup Hudson successfully and covered all most all the features. But Still i have some question which want to get clarify with the help of community members.

1. Each Project Build Number in Hudson and build artifact folder naming are different. How can we match up so it should be with Hudon Build number.
2. Upon successful build, how can i get the build artifact link for each build of Hudson Dashboard?

rajeshkumar replied the topic: Re:Questions on Hudson
reply from hudson community…

> 1. Each Project Build Number in Hudson and build artifact folder naming are
> different. How can we match up so it should be with Hudon Build number.

Hudson provides your build scripts an environment variable
BUILD_NUMBER which is an increasing integer. You are free to use that
or ignore it and come up with your own way of identifying your builds.

If want to increment Hudson’s build number, edit the file buildNumber
which is in HUDSON_HOME/jobs/JOBNAME and then go to Manage Hudson ->
Reload configuration files from disk.

> 2. Upon successful build, how can i get the build artifact link for each
> build of Hudson Dashboard?

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for the permalinks in
the page for each project. I.e. http://YOURHUDSON/job/JOBNAME/
Rajesh Kumar
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