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Simple Ajax CRUD Application in Laravel

Step 1 – Create a fresh laravel projet

First off all , create a project using following command given below –

Change Directory to AjaxCrud folder

$ cd AjaxCrud

Step 2 – Configure Database in .env file

Step 3 – Open Xampp tool and start the server

Go to phpMyAdmin and create database with same name as .env database name

Step 4 – Set default string length

Locate the file “app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php” and add following line of code to the top of the file.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

add inside the boot method set a default string length as given below –


Step 5 – Create Database table and Migrate

Now, we have to define table schema for posts table. Open terminal and let’s run the following command to generate a migration file to create posts table in our database

Step 6 – Open Migration file and put the following code in it

Run Migration Command

$ php artisan migrate

Step 7 – Create Model and Some Code

$ php artisan make:model Post

Inside Model, we are adding some code

Step 8 – Create Controller Using Command

php artisan make:controller ajaxcrud/AjaxPostController

Inside AjaxPostController, we are adding following code given below –

Step 9 – Create Blade File/View File

Let’s Create a blade file “index.blade.php” in the “resources/views/ajaxcrud/” directory and put the following code in it respectively

Step 10 – Create Resource Routes

We need to add a resource route in “routes/web.php”. Let’s open “routes/web.php” file and add the following route.

Route::resource('ajax-posts', 'ajaxcrud\AjaxPostController');

Start The Development Server

$ php artisan serve


Add Post

Edit, we are editing and updating the data

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