Top 22 ELM Programming Interview Questions and Answers

What is ELM programming? Elm is a domain-specific programming language for developing web browser-based graphical user interfaces. Elm is completely functional and has developed with an emphasis on usability, performance,…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers of Hadoop

A quick discussion about Hadoop Apache Hadoop is an open-source framework that is used to efficiently store and process large datasets ranging in size from gigabytes to petabytes of data….

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Top 100 Ruby Programming interview questions and answers.

1) What is Ruby programming language? Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, open source programming language that aims on simplicity and productivity.Ruby has a blended functions of Perl, small talk, Eiffel,…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers of Numpy

Introduction NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python.NumPy arrays facilitate advanced mathematical and other types of operations on large numbers of data. Typically, such operations are executed…

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Shell Bash Scripting Interview Questions and Answer – Part 4

Bash Scripting is a powerful a part of system administration and development used at an extreme level. It’s utilized by the System directors, Network Engineers, Developers, Scientists, and everybody UN…

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Top 50 Interview Question & Answer of oracle

Let’s have a quick discussion about oracle Oracle Database is the oldest database designed for enterprise grid computing, the most flexible and budget-effective way to manage information and applications. Enterprise…

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Python Interview Questions and Answer Part – 2

Which argument would you use in a Python function to obtain a dictionary of all the named arguments passed? Keyword Arguments (**kwargs) (Ans) *args The NoneType argument Regular function arguments…

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Python Interview Questions and Answer Part – 1

What Python function is used to open files? open_file() file() new_file() open() (Ans) What does the pass keyword do? Passes control to another function Continues to the next iteration of…

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Chef Configuration Management Interview Questions and Answers Part – 5

Why do we make a new cookbook dependent upon one or more different cookbooks? So that we don’t breach copyright So that we can make use of Berkshelf So we…

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Ansible Interview Questions and Answer – Part 9

You can add groups inside of groups when: You add existing group names under a [groupname:children] definition (Ans) You cannot add groups within groups. You add existing group names under…

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SonarQube Interview Questions and Answer Part – 1

Is it right definition of Sonarqube? SonarQube (formerly Sonar) is a quality management platform focusing on continuous analysis of source code quality. YES (Ans) NO Which is not a severities…

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Puppet Interview Questions and Answer Part – 2

Where is the Puppet configuration file stored? /etc/puppet/puppet.conf (Ans) /var/lib/puppet/puppet.conf /usr/share/puppet/puppetmaster.conf Puppet can manage all of following operating systems except… Mac OS X Windows Unix Solaris FreeBSD None of these….

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers – Part 6

What are the parts of the task lifecycle Execution Initialization, Configuration, Execution (Ans) Initialization, Configuration, Execution, Finalization Configuration, Execution How do you declare a typed task? task copyImages (type: Copy)…

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Terraform Interview Questions and Answer – Set 1

External data sources must return information in what format? A. XML B. HTML C. JSON D. YAML Ans: C. JSON Which of the following is an example of Source Control…

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Top Interview Questions on Server Configuration Management Tools Chef, Puppet, and Ansible

Source – As a quick recap, configuration management tools enable companies to standardize and automate their infrastructure. Through standardization, you can build systems that are platform independent (i.e. instead…

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Top 25 TFS Interview Questions and Answers

TFS Interview Questions 1) What is Team  Foundation Server? What does it cover – version control? build processes? bug tracking? task management? Team Foundation Server is defined in the documentation…

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Chef Configuration Management Interview Questions and Answers Part – 1

Source – What is a resource? Answer- A resource represents a piece of infrastructure and its desired state, such as a package that should be installed, a service that…

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Chef Configuration Management Interview Questions and Answers Part – 2

Source – What is a resource? Answer- A resource represents a piece of infrastructure and its desired state, such as a package that should be installed, a service that…

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers – Part 1

What is continuous integration? Jenkins Continuous integration API features? Advantages of jenkins? Jenkins plugins? Requirements for using Jenkins? Installing Jenkins on Ubuntu and RHEL? Process to take Jenkins backup and…

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Top 10 Interview Questions and Answers in SVN (Subversion)

What is SVN? What is “branch” , “Tag” and “Trunk” in SVN ? what do you mean by “Synchronizing with Repository” ? How is it different from “Update” ? Difference…

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Shell Bash Scripting Interview Questions and Answer – Part 1

Interview Questions Sets : Shell Script Descriptive Questions Sets What is shell scripting? Shell scripting is used to program command line of an operating system. Shell Scripting is also used…

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List of All Possible Maven Interview Questions and Answer

Is there a way to use the current date in the POM? Take a look at the buildnumber plugin. It can be used to generate a build date each time…

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