Top Jenkins interview questions and answers

1. What is Jenkins? Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate various aspects of software development, such as building, testing, and deploying code. It allows developers to set…

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What is DataStax Astra?

DataStax Astra DB simplifies cloud-native application development, and reduces time to install, deploy and scale from weeks to minutes. Astra DB eliminates operational overhead, the biggest obstacle to using Apache…

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What is Appium and How does it work? An Overview and Its Use Cases

History & Origin of Appium Appium was originally developed in 2011 by Dan Kueller under the name “iOSAuto”, written in the C# programming language. In August 2012 the program was…

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Top 50 Kafka Interview Questions & Answer

1) What is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe open source message broker application. This messaging application was coded in “Scala”. Basically, this project was started by the Apache…

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What is Cassandra?

Apache Cassandra is an open source non-relational, or NoSQL, a database that enables continuous availability, tremendous scale, and data distribution across multiple data centers and cloud availability zones. It is…

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What is Jmeter and How it works? An Overview and Its Use Cases

History & Origin of Jmeter JMeter was developed by Stefano Mazzucci of the Apache Software Foundation. The first version 1.0 was released in 1998. Revised version 5.1, was February 19,…

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What is Apache Kudu?

Apache Kudu is a free and open source columnar storage system developed for the Apache Hadoop. It is an engine intended for structured data that supports low-latency random access millisecond-scale…

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What is Apache Druid?

Apache Druid is among the most popular open-source Apache Druid is a real-time analytics database designed for fast slice-and-dice analytics (OLAP). As pre-existing open-source databases like Relational Database Management System…

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What is Apache MXNet and How it works? An Overview and Its Use Cases?

What is Apache MXNet ? MXNet is an open-source deep learning framework that allows you to define, train, and deploy deep neural networks on a wide array of devices, from…

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Top 50 selenium interview questions and answers

1) What is Selenium and what is composed of? Selenium is a suite of tools for automated web testing. It is composed of Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) : It…

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Top 50 Zabbix interview questions and answers

1) What can be monitored using Zabbix? Zabbix provides monitoring metrics, such as network utilization, CPU load and disk space consumption. The software monitors operations on Linux, Hewlett Packard Unix…

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Top 50 Interview Questions and Answers for Apache MXNet

The Apache MXNet (MXNet) is an open source deep learning framework that allows you to define, train, and deploy deep neural networks on a wide array of platforms, from cloud…

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TOP 50 Interview Questions and Answers of HIVE

Short description about Hive Hive is a data warehouse system that is used to analyze structured data. It is built on the top of Hadoop. It was developed by Facebook….

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Top 50 Openshift interview questions and answers

Q1. What Is Openshift? Answer : OpenShift is a cloud development Platform as a Service (PaaS) hosted by Red Hat. It’s an open source technology which helps organizations move their…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers of Apache Kafka

Short intro About Apache Kafka Apache Kafka is a popular tool for developers because it is easy to pick up and provides a powerful event streaming platform complete with 4…

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Top 50 interview questions and answers of Apache Cassandra

Short description about Apache Cassandra Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, high-performance distributed database designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no…

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Top 50 Apache spark interview questions and answers

Q1. What is RDD? Ans. RDD (Resilient Distribution Datasets) is a fault-tolerant collection of operational elements that run parallel. The partitioned data in RDD is immutable and distributed. Q2. Name…

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Top 50 Nginx Interview questions and answers

1) What is Nginx? Nginx is a type of an open source web server which is especially used for reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and for the HTTP cache….

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Top 50 Apache tomcat interview questions and answers

1) What is Apache Tomcat? Apache Tomcat is basically a Web Server and Servlet system which is an open-source (i.e. freely available on the internet) and is created by Apache…

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Top 50 Apache HTTPD Interview questions and answers

1) What do you mean by Apache Web Server? Apache web server is the HTTP web server that is open source, and it is used for hosting the website. 2)…

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Directory Structure of Apache Web Server

Apache HTTPD – Directory Structure CORE/common Directories conf modules htdocs logs New structure in Yum/RPM base installation conf conf.d conf.modules.d modules htdocs logs Structure in Tarball/source code base installation conf…

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What is XAMPP? and How to Install XAMPP?

What is XAMPP? XAMPP is an acronym that stands for Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl, with the Ps standing for PHP and Perl, respectively. It’s an open-source web-solutions kit…

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when I try to open localhost using xampp server error throw Object not found!

When Showing this type error in xampp localhost at running localhost using xampp server. Then First You will go to in file location as below “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc” and open “hosts” file…

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XAMPP: Another web server is already running

Step 1: Stop the Apache Step 2: and Then Restart Apache 👉 if above command will not work in your machine then do below steps: Step 1 : check the…

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How to downgrade php from 8.0.0 to 7.1.32 in xampp 8.0.0?

Hey friends i am going to discuss with some common error with xampp. i installed xampp in my pc and working with Laravel version 5.8 and php version 7.1.3 so…

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How to fix PHPMyAdmin error, incorrect format parameter that appeared while importing a database?

First of all, we have to see some basic settings which are situated in php.ini. whenever we upload a database which size will be greater than max upload size and…

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Apaceh HTACCESS Tutorial

Introduction What Can I Do? Creating A .htaccess File What is .htaccess Why Not to use .htaccess Error Documents | Custom Error Pages Blocking users by IP Blocking users/ sites…

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Start Apache with normal user

scmuser created the topic: Start Apache with normal user Hi, I have few normal user in linux to whom I want to give apache http start and stop access? any…

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Apache Tomcat Good url Collection

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache Tomcat Good url Collection Tomcat : How to increase the Java heap size Regards, Rajesh Kumar Twitt me @

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Apache Ant Web References & Cheatsheet

rajeshkumar created the topic: Apache Ant: Copy Task full reference This copies all files in directories called images that are located in the directory tree defined by ${src} to the…

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