
Chef Tutorials: Configure Workstation with knife

Install Chef Workstation Configure Chef Workstation with Chef Infra Server using Knife

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Top 50 Postfix Interview Questions & Answer

1) What Is Postfix And Default Port Used For Postfix ? Postfix is a open source MTA (Mail Transfer agent) which is used to route & deliver emails. Postfix is…

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Top 50 Exim Interview Questions & Answer

1) You are not given the tools you need to be successful. How would you change that In Exim? State a business case to your manager / leader as to…

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Top 50 haproxy Interview Questions & Answer

1) Is HAProxy a load balancer? HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) is open source proxy and load balancing server software. It provides high availability at the network (TCP) and application (HTTP/S)…

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Top 50 Helm interview questions and answers

1) What is Helm? Helm Charts assist you in defining, installing, and upgrading even the most complicated Kubernetes application. … Helm is a CNCF-graduated project that is supported by the…

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Top 50 Jenkin pipeline interview questions and answers

1) How to fix a broken build for your project in Jenkins and how to make sure project build doesn’t break in Jenkins at all? The user needs to open…

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Top 50 Junit interview questions and answers

1) What is Testing? Testing is the process of checking the functionality of the application whether it fulfills the requirement or not. 2) What is unit testing? The process of…

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Top 50 Django interview questions and answers

1) Django design pattern? Django follows MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller), also referred to as MTV (Model-Template-View). Model – describes database schemaViews – Controls what user can view. It retrieves data from…

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Top 50 Splunk interview questions and answers

1) Define Splunk It is a software technology that is used for searching, visualizing, and monitoring machine-generated big data. It monitors and different types of log files and stores data…

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Top 50 Packer interview questions and answers

Q. Is it possible to feed packer with an ansible encrypted file? I’m attempting to use packer from an ansible playbook in order to use an ansible-vault encrypted file in…

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Top 50 Apache HTTPD Interview questions and answers

1) What do you mean by Apache Web Server? Apache web server is the HTTP web server that is open source, and it is used for hosting the website. 2)…

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Introduction of Some keyword using laravel

Laravel framework provides three primary tools for interaction through command-line namely: Artisan, explains about Artisan in detail. Introduction to Artisan  Artisan is the command-line interface frequently used in Laravel and it…

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Subversion Interview Questions and Answer Part-1

When checking out code from SVN you usually want to check out from __ not from the root of the repository. repo tags trunk (Ans) branches A source control system…

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Linux Interview Questions and Answer – Part 11

It is common for source packages to be downloaded to which directory? /src /usr/src (Ans) /home /usr/bin Using lsof which character is used to filter by host # = @…

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Chef Tutorials: Chef Test kitchen Command Line Options

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How To Create a PDF using PHP

Step 1. Create a file index.php file. Copy this code. then, create a makepdf.php file. Step 2. Go to this link: Which includes mPDF is a PHP library that…

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Python Tutorials: How to use pip command to Python3.x instead of Python2.7?

First of all, pip is made for Python2.x and pip3 is made for Python3.x. Thus you need to select wisely which version of module you are installing. Installing through pip3…

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Working with uDeploy client using udclient and work with uDeploy command line

Step 1 – Install and setup JAVA including JAVA_HOME Step 2 – Click the link to download the Deploy Client zip. This zip contains the command line executable for use…

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DOS Command to display time without prompting for New time

scmuser created the topic: DOS Command to display time without prompting for New time I think most of us know the DOS command “time/T” which displays current system time without…

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Passing command line arguments separated by comma

scmuser created the topic: passing command line arguments separated by comma Any sample code in vb script to pass command line arguments separated by comma???

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Check the exit code of the last command in batch file?

rajeshkumar created the topic: check the exit code of the last command in batch file? Test for a return code greater than or equal to 1: if ERRORLEVEL 1 echo…

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Get the application exit code from a Windows command line?

rajeshkumar created the topic: get the application exit code from a Windows command line? Two ways… (1) The results are stored in a pseudo environment variable named errorlevel so… echo…

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Linux Tutorials: ps commands examples

rajeshkumar created the topic: Useful Command for Process and Jobs in Unix/Linux List out all background Job running in machine i.e. list current jobs > jobs How to sent Job…

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Find command return type

scmuser created the topic: Find command return type I am looking for following answer if anybody can help me out… How to Return a message when a file is not…

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Linux Tutorials: expect commands examples

scmuser created the topic: expect command in unix /linux? Hello, I am doing a project which asks me to enter password 4 times in a row. I need to enter…

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How to find success/failure status of a command in different shells?

rajeshkumar created the topic: How to find success/failure status of a command in different shells? Ksh/Borne/Bash shell $ ls /usr/bin …. # when success value is 0 $ echo $?…

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Run CreateInstall from the command line

created the topic: Run CreateInstall from the command line? Goto page 1, 2 Next Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to use CreateInstall to create an installer package…

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How to Setup AWS Credentials using AWS Command Line Interface?

Setup AWS Credentails using AWS Command Line Interface Install the AWS CLI Using Pip Please click here complete installation guide. Test the AWS CLI Installation [code] $ aws help[/code] Environment…

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Chef frequently used commands collection

To run single recipe using chef-solo > chef-solo -c /opt/chef/repo/config/solo.rb -o my_cookbook::recipe To run the single reciepe in same machine > chef-apply hello.rb To generate the cookbook standard structure >…

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