Docker Tutorials: Docker Command line Reference | Docker Tutorial | Docker Guide

One liner to stop all of Docker containers: > docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)   One liner to remove all of Docker containers: > docker rm $(docker ps -a…

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Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers – Part 5

The easiest way to get a plugin for Jenkins is ______________ . from inside Jenkins itself (Ans) by building it from source creating a plugin request call downloading an installer…

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Perforce Command Line Global Options

<!– .style1 { font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; } –> Perforce Command Line Global Options Global options for Perforce commands; these options can be supplied on the command line before any Perforce…

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Perforce Command Line

Command Description p4 add Open file(s) in a client workspace for addition to the depot. p4 admin Perform administrative operations on the server. p4 branch Create or edit a branch…

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Java Command Line Options

-client       to select the “client” VM -server       to select the “server” VM -hotspot      is a synonym for the “client” VM  [deprecated] The default VM is client. -cp <class search path…

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Chef frequently used commands collection

To run single recipe using chef-solo > chef-solo -c /opt/chef/repo/config/solo.rb -o my_cookbook::recipe To run the single reciepe in same machine > chef-apply hello.rb To generate the cookbook standard structure >…

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Know About Jenkins CLI | Jenkins CLI Guide

Running CLI java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s JENKINS_URL] command [options…] [arguments…] Getting help java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s help [command] How to download jenkins-cli.jar? The best place to download the Jenkins…

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Understand Jenkins CLI | Jenkins CLI Reference

Running CLI java -jar jenkins-cli.jar [-s JENKINS_URL] command [options…] [arguments…] Getting help java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s help [command] How to download jenkins-cli.jar? The best place to download the Jenkins…

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Maven commands Web References & Cheatsheet

Maven CLI Options Reference Options Description -am,–also-make If project list is specified, also build projects required by the list -amd,–also-make-dependents If project list is specified, also build projects that depend…

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Understand Ant command line arguments with Examples

Several tasks take arguments that will be passed to another process on the command line. To make it easier to specify arguments that contain space characters, nested arg elements can…

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WinZip commands Web References & Cheatsheet

The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which can include the special name – to compress standard input. If zipfile and list are omitted, zip…

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Perforce Web References & Cheatsheet

A way to remember data-mining commands The following is a set of questions that will be used during the Perforce training to remind students which “data-mining” commands to use for…

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Windows XP/2000 Commands & Tools | Windows XP Command-line Reference

Here’s the ultimate Windows XP/2000 command list that will make any Linux user feel at home at the command prompt. A lot of these commands are intended for administrating a…

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Command line switches of devenv.exe | Devenv command line switches Guide

To see this list, type devenv /? on command prompt /build – build the specified solution configuration   /project – specifies the project to build instead of solution, must specify…

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How to run Remote Desktop Console by using command line?

How to run Remote Desktop Console using command line If you may want to run Desktop Console from a batch file, for example RDC over VPN, you can use mstsc…

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Ant command line arguments – Examples – Summary

Ant command line arguments Several tasks take arguments that will be passed to another process on the command line. To make it easier to specify arguments that contain space characters,…

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Process to Install CollabNet SVN Command Line Client in Windows

Link: 1. Platform and configuration    Product: CollabNet Subversion server    Certified platforms: Windows XP SP2, Win 2003(Standard Edition) R2    Apache version: 2.2.8    ViewVC: 1.0.5 (requires ActiveState…

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How to Install CollabNet SVN Command Line Client in Solaris?

Link: 1. Platform and configuration Product: CollabNet Subversion client Platforms: Solaris 10 SPARC Prerequisite: You must be a superuser (root) to install and uninstall CollabNet Subversion. 2. Import/Update CollabNet…

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