How to downgrade npm version?

How to downgrade npm version? Error:- Error Explanation :- My project which is made earlier, uses the older version of node but now i m cloning my project after many…

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How to Resolve Windows Installer Problem

Installation of a program means inserting that particular program in your computer so that it can be executed properly. Some of the software programs can be simply copied to the…

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How to Examin History in Subversion (SVN)?

Examining History in Subversion Your Subversion repository is like a time machine. It keeps a record of every change ever committed and allows you to explore this history by examining…

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How to Setup Configure Hudson Master Slave? – Complete Guide

The tasks can be scheduled to run on the same machine (Master), or on a different machine (Slave). A master is a installation of Hudson, that can manage one or…

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How to put comment in Ant | Comments in Apache Ant

How to put comment in Ant | Comments in Apache Ant Method 1: <!– Comments are just as important in buildfiles, do not –> <!– avoid writing them! –> <!–…

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A sample Ant build script that builds a WAR file – Guide

A sample Ant build script that builds a WAR file <project name=”MyWebApplication” basedir=”..” default=”install”> <!– project-specific variables –> <property name=”” value=”myapp” /> <property name=”” value=”${}.war” /> <property name=”webapp.dir” value=”/Users/al/tomcat-6.0.16/webapps” />…

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How to install subversion on Linux?

To install svn in linux and make it fully working , I found it really tough and it has taken my lots of time. I am thankful to Sanjay, who…

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How we reduced build time from 8 hours to 1 hour ? – Complete Guide

Situation For one of our clients, Build is taking 8 hours and nightly build is failing frequently. Test case execution is consuming more time than the compilation. Low confidence levels…

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HOWTO: Install e17 from SVN/source on Ubuntu

E17 is a lightweight window manager/bundle of libraries for Unix based operating systems. E17 is designed to be both elegant and fast – two goals it succeeds at very well….

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How to read XML file by using shell script ?

This was like the first time where I had to write something that will be able to read something out of a XML file using a shell script. Usually I…

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How to configure and use SSH authentication system server CVS

How to configure and use SSH authentication system server CVS cvs (Concurrent Version System) is a very popular version control tool. Although its function as Perforce, Subversion and other powerful,…

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Upgrading Continuum – Continuum Upgradation Guide

This document will help you upgrade Continuum from 1.2.x to 1.3.3 and above. When upgrading Continuum, it could have some database model changes. Usually these changes will be migrated for…

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How to Run/Deploy Java EE applications on Amazon EC2?

Running Java EE applications on Amazon EC2: deploying to 20 machines with no money down Computer hardware has traditionally been a scarce, expensive resource. In the early days of computing…

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Running MSBuild 4.0 and MSBuild 3.5 on Continuous Integration

With Visual Studio 2010 RC released recently, we jumped on the release and began to code with VS2010.  One issue that popped up was that now all builds were targeting…

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Issues Compiling VS2010 solutions (with web projects) from Nant | MSB4064 error

Recently I upgraded a project of mine (the Dimecasts code base) to use VisualStudio 2010.  In the process everything worked just fine from the IDE, but when I tried to…

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Why and how to use Jetty in mission-critical production

This article is a summary of a seminar I had on the topic. If it seems like it’s a continuation of an existing discussion that’s because, to some extent, it…

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How to copy VSS project from one VSS database to another one without loosing history

If you have any of the following questions in your mind, then this article is the perfect destination for you. How to copy VSS project from one VSS database to…

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SSARC Utility & SSRESTOR Utility – Archive, Restore VSS Project – Guide

Question:  How to Archive VSS Project in Visual Source Safe (VSS)? How to Restore VSS Project in  Visual Source Safe (VSS)? What is SSARC Utility? What is SSRESTOR Utility? SSARC…

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How To Create a Unique SRCSAFE.INI File ?

1. Create a new SRCSAFE.INI file and place it in the desired location. 2. If you want include the default SRCSAFE.INI in the unique copy, add the following line: #INCLUDE…

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ANT Builds and Subversion (SVN) | Ant integration with Subversion guide

As I have mentioned in a previous blog entry, I have come to love using ANT in my development environment. One of the things that I like about it is…

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How to Use SVN Tasks with ANT ?

This post is about using ANT to perform some of the most common source-control related tasks such as export, tagging, and branching. I am using ANT version 1.7.0 and SVN…

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How to access all Java system properties directly?

You could access all Java system properties directly via ${name}, e.g. ${}, ${user.dir}, ${user.home}, … You could read environment properties and use them   <properties environment=”env”/>   ${env.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE} e.g.  …

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How to use ant Script to Reset BuildNumber?

To use this code, you need to have the file build.number containging: major.number=1 minor.number=0 hotfix.number=0 revision.number=0 continuous.number=0 Then the following 3 targets:   <taskdef resource=”net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml”/> <taskdef name=”unset” classname=”ise.antelope.tasks.Unset”/>     <target name=”initBuildNum” description=”Get…

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Batch Program to Shutdown and restart the computer.

Batch Program to Shutdown and restart the computer.  Restart echo off D:\Temp\tmp\SHUTDOWN.EXE /L /R /Y /C pause   Shutdown echo offd:\tmp\SHUTDOWN.EXE /L /Y /C pause

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