
SonarQube Upgrade, Backup and Restore Process | SonarQube Tutorial

SonarQube Upgrade, Backup and Restore Process

Today I will share the steps to upgrade from the SonarQube version 5.X to SonarQube version 6.X. We have upgrade guide which can be found but its not complete guide thus I am sharing the steps as follows which can be followed for the production server as well.  As practice shared on the oficial guide that before upgrading to the next major release, you must upgrade to know LTS e.g

Chef Internal – How Chef maintain the state of each resources internally?

Chef Client A chef-client is an agent that runs locally on every node that is under management by Chef. The chef-client executable can be run as a daemon. When a…

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Tasksel – Easily/Quickly Install Group Softwares in Debian and Ubuntu

Tasksel – Easily/Quickly Install Group Softwares in Debian and Ubuntu If you started out using an RPM-based distro before advancements like “yum” or “apt-rpm”, you’re loving the magic of “apt-get”…

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How to Start and Stop Nagios Core | Nagios Tutorial

Starting Nagios Core Init Script: The easiest way to start the Nagios Core daemon is by using the init script like so: /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios start Manually: You can start the Nagios…

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Steps to Start-Stop Nagios XI Server | Nagios XI Tutorial

How to start and stop Naxios XI Server? How to stop Naxios XI Server? service nagiosxi stop service npcd stop service ndo2db stop service nagios stop service postgresql stop service…

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Step by step procedures to Install Nagios XI Server in Centos 7

Step by step procedures to Install Nagios XI Server in Centos 7 #Update your centos os > yum install update > yum install wget # to install network utility e.g….

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How DevOps can play important role in System Administrator’s career ?

DevOps is merging the path between Developers and Operations teams. It’s all about the agility and automation. Servers, in DevOps easily can be replaced instead of keeping it and nurture…

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How DevOps is enhancing the capability of software development?

We all know that DevOps is an established relationship stage between development phase and IT Operations. It is vital that collaboration and communication between the two units are promoted from…

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How Can You Find An Experienced & Qualified DevOps Trainer?

DevOps is a new trending word in IT industry these days and every IT professionals must heard about it for sure. But for those who heard it for the first…

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How Can You Find An Experienced & Qualified DevOps Trainer?

DevOps is a new trending word in IT industry these days and every IT professionals must heard about it for sure. But for those who heard it for the first…

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How can you become a successful DevOps Engineer ?

These days in software industry one word is high in trend and that is “DevOps”. Industry experts define DevOps either as a “culture” or “methodology”. But when organizations and companies…

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Tips to find qualified DevOps Trainers, Instructors and Coach?

Bangalore is a silicon vallery of the India. There are many software organization and companies, currently working towards the implementing the automation thoughtout the software development life cycle. DevOps has…

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How DevOps course is enhancing the capability of software development?

How DevOps course is enhancing the capability of software development? Software Industry in these days adopting a new practice called “DevOps”. This word change the process of software development in…

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How to Configure Web Proxy on CentOS | Tutorials | scmGalaxy

If your internet connection is behind a web proxy, you need to configure the following on your CentOS server: System-wide proxy settings – add the following lines to your /etc/environment…

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How to Install Team Foundation Server 2015 | TFS Installation Guide

How to install Team Foundation Server 2015 We need to start installating few things…. 1. Install MS SQL SERVER EXPRESS 2016 Download the SQL Server 2016 Express installer (SQLServer2016-SSEI-Expr) on…

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How to Set or Configure Proxy in Linux and Windows System? – scmGalaxy

Setting the proxy configuration in Linux and Windows If you use a proxy server or firewall, you may need to set the http_proxy environment variable in order to access some…

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How to Setup Puppet Learning VM – Complete Process/Guide

Download the VM(Zip File here)   Minimum requirements Internet-enabled Windows, OS X, or Linux computer with 10GB free space and a VT-x/AMD-V enabled processor. Up to date virtualization software….

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How to Install Jenkins using Docker | Step by step guide | scmGalaxy

Step 1: Installing Docker [code] $ apt-get install docker (Ubuntu) $ yum install docker  (RHEL/CENTOS) [/code] For more info, please following this Step 2:  First, pull the official jenkins…

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How to get bash or ssh into a running container in background mode?

How to get bash or ssh into a running container in background mode? Step 1: First of all, try to find your active container by running # docker ps or…

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How to install Atlassian Jira using Docker?

Install Atlassian Jira using Docker Download and Run the jira latest: # docker run –detach –publish 8080:8080 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira:latest Then simply navigate your preferred browser to http://[dockerhost]:8080 and finish the configuration. Notes:…

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How to Install Sonatype Nexus installation using Docker?

Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 2 Install a Docker Engine Installation Instructions can be found here – Download a Sonatype Nexus Image > docker pull sonatype/nexus For Sonatype Nexus Repository…

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How to Host your own Nuget Feed? | Step by Step Guide | Tutorial

Hosting your own Nuget Feed? 1. Local File Based Package Source Limitation with fles based source – It does not have nuget capable feed. Can not push the package. We…

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How to Install and Configure Gerrit2 in CentOs and Ubantu ?

Step 1:  Update System > yum update > apt-get update Step 2: Install git Step 3: Install screen Step 4: Install screen Step 5: Install Java Step 6: MySQL Step…

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How to Publish a Nuget package in NuGet Gallery?

How to Publish a Nuget package in NuGet Gallery? Step 1 – Create an account at Head over to and register for an account. Once you do that,…

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How to create a package in Nuget? | Nuget Tutorial

Hosting your own Repository in Nuget How to create a package in Nuget? Mehtod 1 – From An Assembly If you have an assembly, you can easily generate a nuspec…

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How to Setup AWS Credentials using AWS Command Line Interface?

Setup AWS Credentails using AWS Command Line Interface Install the AWS CLI Using Pip Please click here complete installation guide. Test the AWS CLI Installation [code] $ aws help[/code] Environment…

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Provision a AWS ec2 vm using chef | Step by Step Guide | AWS ec2 vm Tutorial

Provision a AWS ec2 vm using chef Step 1: Install chefdk Step 2: Setup AWS Credentails Step X: Setup your knife config Step X: Make sure following is set and…

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How to install chefDK in RHEL, Ubantu, Mac and Windows?

How to install chefDK in RHEL, Ubantu, Mac and Windows? How to install chefDK in RHEL Step 1: Download checfdk from > wget or > curl -o chefdk-0.9.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm…

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How to Install and Configure Jira in Linux | Jira Tutorial

Download JIRA package from Linux Installation: wget chmod atlassian-jira-6.4.12-x64.bin Execute the ‘.bin’ file to start the console wizard stop iptables service jira start/stop & follow the instructions Reference

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