
How to Check File Attributes in Perl ? Perl File Attributes explained

Checking File Attributes in Perl I have been using perl for quite some time now. I have also been using the file handling logic in my scripts. However, what I did…

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Useful Tips to Make Team Building Exercises Effective and Successful

Hi, I am prabhakar, i have read an article about Team Building and i would like to share it with you.All successful businesses and organizations know that teamwork and team…

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Apache web server Installation Guide, know how to Install Apache web server on Windows 7?

After a quick detour to install Notepad++, I’m on my way to installing Magento. Before I can get into the meat of it, though, I do require a few prerequisites….

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Bamboo Vs TeamCity Vs CruiseControl – Continuous Integration Expert Review

Difference between Bamboo Vs TeamCity Vs CruiseControl TEAMCITY TC pre-tested commit is good. TC integrates to Visual Studio which is our main IDE. JetBrains are more focused on supporting .NET…

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Set properties HOMEDIR in build.xml which will be set through user logged in the current system.. Example: <project name=”test” default=”myhome”>     <property environment=”env”/>     <target name=”myhome”>         <echo message=”My home…

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Ant : Ant-Contrib – Introduction and Installation Process/Guide

What is Ant-Contrib Tasks? The Ant-Contrib project provides a collection of tasks and types that extend Ant to work as a scripting language as well as a build tool. Many…

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Command line switches of devenv.exe | Devenv command line switches Guide

To see this list, type devenv /? on command prompt /build – build the specified solution configuration   /project – specifies the project to build instead of solution, must specify…

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How to run Remote Desktop Console by using command line?

How to run Remote Desktop Console using command line If you may want to run Desktop Console from a batch file, for example RDC over VPN, you can use mstsc…

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File Comparing Tools Review and Feedback

File Comparing Tools review File comparison in computing is the automatic comparing of data between files on a file system. The result of comparisons are typically displayed to the user,…

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CVS Configuration Procedure – Install CVS – CVS Setup Guide

CVS Configuration – Install CVS Procedure #1:- Use rpm or up2date or yum command to install cvs: for Redhat Use:- rpm -ivh cvs OR#    up2date cvs for fedora use:- yum…

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How to Write Trigger in Perforce? – Perforce Triggers Guide

1 Introduction Perforce introduced the first server-side trigger in release 99.1 with the pre-submit trigger. This trigger satisfied a long-standing desire in the user community, but demand continued for more…

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How CVS will help to Realtime Developers ?

CVS Tips & Tricks The CVS commands here assume that you are using the command line version of CVS. Tips and tricks for a specific CVS GUI are specific to…

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SCM Benefits the Organization in Four Major Ways – SCM Process Benefits

SCM benefits an organization in four areas: control, management, cost savings, and quality. These four benefits are mapped to an organization’s overall goals and objectives when the decisions are made to bring a SCM tool in-house. The features of a SCM tool further support these benefits.
SCM Benefits the Organization in Four Major Ways

Control in SCM provides the ability to review, approve, and incorporate changes into a configuration item. There must be one controlling SCM tool so that there is only one set of training, license management, installation, and user procedures. All project personnel use the tool. Inherent in the tool is a standardized, measurable process for change. Integrity maintenance of CIs is enforced throughout the product life cycle. The tool permits only controlled change to the baseline CIs, and all changes are tracked.

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5 Keys to Automating Configuration Management for Application Infrastructure

5 Keys to Automating Configuration Management for Application Infrastructure

One of the trends being discussed in business, among vendors and in the analyst community is the importance of automating the functions performed by IT. Growing demands by the business, tight budgets and compliance pressures together accentuate the need for IT to be more agile, efficient and responsive to business stakeholders.

Naturally, vendors rush into this environment, each touting the unique benefits of its solution set and the urgency to move forward immediately.  A key area targeted for IT automation is the area of ‘configuration management.’  As it relates to automating day to day IT functions, configuration management can mean many different things: patch management, server and network management or others. 

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Share common projects with two different projects in CVS

Share common projects with two different projects in CVS If there are two or more projects in the repository, some of the files are common in these two projects and some…

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SVN Installation | Subversion Installation guide | Subversion Setup

Install CollabNet SVN Command Line Client in Red Hat Link: 1. Platform and configuration Product: CollabNet Subversion client Platforms: Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases 4 and 5 (all versions,…

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Process to Install CollabNet SVN Command Line Client in Windows

Link: 1. Platform and configuration    Product: CollabNet Subversion server    Certified platforms: Windows XP SP2, Win 2003(Standard Edition) R2    Apache version: 2.2.8    ViewVC: 1.0.5 (requires ActiveState…

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How to Install CollabNet SVN Command Line Client in Solaris?

Link: 1. Platform and configuration Product: CollabNet Subversion client Platforms: Solaris 10 SPARC Prerequisite: You must be a superuser (root) to install and uninstall CollabNet Subversion. 2. Import/Update CollabNet…

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How to Access SVN when client is under proxy ?

The Subversion client can go through a proxy, if you configure it to do so.   First, edit your “servers” configuration file to indicate which proxy to use. The files…

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A script to find all users who have not set passwords

Write a script to find all users who have not set passwords. #!/usr/bin/ruby require “P4” p4 = p4.parse_forms p4.connect p4.run_users.each do |u| user = p4.fetch_user( u[ “User” ] )…

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Script to list the clients in descending access date order

  Write a script to list the clients in descending access date order (for deleting obsolete clients).   #!/usr/bin/ruby require “P4” p4 = p4.tagged p4.connect clients = p4.run_clients.sort {|a,b|…

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Steps to Import Module Process by using WinCVS

Import Normally refers to the process of creating a new module in the repository by sending an entire directory structure. Module A directory hierarchy. A software project normally exists as…

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