Statements in PHP.

1. Echo Statement, Print Statement, and Here document in PHP (Click to Go) 2. What are If, Nested if, if else and, Nested if else Statement in PHP (Click to…

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How to Upload and Add Watermark to Image using PHP

Watermark is the best option to protect the image from being stolen or re-used by another person. You can display the ownership by adding a watermark to the image. The…

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How to convert Text to image using PHP

In this post, we are going to see how to change any Text to image using PHP. PHP comes with an image processing library called the GD library. This has…

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Multiple Image Upload with Edit Delete using PHP Mysql

In this topic, we are going to see how to multiple image upload with edit delete using PHP Mysql. When Multiple Images uploaded into the folder then after we have…

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How to Upload and Compress an Image using PHP

Image compression is very helpful to reduce the size of the image. Generally, the user does not optimize the image when uploading through the website. In this case, compress images…

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How to Upload and Resize an Image using PHP.

In this post, we are going to learn how to upload and resize an image using PHP. Here we going to use simple PHP code for image upload and resize…

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PHP intermediate essential guide- PHP Challenge users visit Count-

In this blog, I am going to explain Php Challenge users Visits Count. First I am going to create a “.php” file. Within this challenge what we want to do…

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PHP intermediate essential guide- PHP Challenge users visits

In this blog, I am going to explain PHP Challenge users Visits. First I am going to create a “.php” file after that create two variable like $users & $visittime…

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How to post form data from PHP 7 using LinkedIn API?

In Previous blog Click Here We also learned that How to Sign-in or login from PHP 7 using LinkedIn API. So, In this blog, I am going to post or…

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What is API & How it works in All Programming Language?

In this blog, I am going to Explain What is API and How it works in All Programming Language. So, API means Application Programming Interface (API) through this We can…

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PHP intermediate essential guide- PHP using sessions

In this blog, I am going to how to use a session in PHP? So, first Now there’s also another way to store and retrieve the values on the multiple…

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PHP intermediate essential guide- PHP setting cookies

In this blog, I am going to What is Php Cookies & How to use Cookies in PHP. PHP cookies are the same in all languages but the different types…

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Image Upload and Crop using PHP and jQuery

In this PHP tutorial, I am going to tell you how to crop an image using jQuery and upload the image via Ajax. Using the Croppie plugin to crop the…

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Image Convert to JPG, PNG & GIF using PHP

In this post I help you to convert any uploaded image to JPG, PNG and GIF. Create a file image_converter.php. In this code you see using convert_image() has three mandatory…

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How to Insert and Retrieve Data in Database – Laravel Framework

In this example, I am going to show you how to insert data in the database using laravel framework PHP. First, creating table the SQL query: Now, create three file…

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About Composer A composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for…

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Directory Structure of Laravel

The image is showing the files and directories of laravel. It is automatically created when we create a project using a composer or laravel installer. Let’s we overview these files…

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How to Defines PHP functions Arguments Global Values?

In this blog, I am going to Defines PHP functions Arguments Global Values. When it comes to functions you can name a function just like a variable but it has…

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How to Generate Random color Functions in PHP?

In this blog, I am going to start how to generate Random color Functions in PHP? we’re going to be talking about functions now functions really give some functionality. Functions…

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How to Create alternating color code snippets in PHP?

In this blog, I’m going to give you the answer to how this is created using PHP, And then as I said it’s only just a few lines of code….

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What is Laravel and its Features

Laravel is one of the most popular and widely used open-source frameworks today. Laravel is a PHP MVC framework that offers a standardized and feature-packed platform for high performing PHP…

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How to Create & Display dynamic HTML content using CSS challenge in PHP?

In this blog, I am going to explain How to Generate dynamic HTML content using CSS challenge in PHP. So, before you create a page which extension should be .php…

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PHP 7 Essential Guide – PHP switch statement

In this blog I am going to explain PHP 7 Essential Guide – PHP switch statement. Switch statement is opposite to if elseif else statement which does almost the same…

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PHP 7 Essential Guide- PHP adding to an array-

In this blog I am going to explain that how to adding array in PHP. So, as stated in the PHP documentation, if you’r only pushing a single element every…

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How to define PHP variable type conversion operators?

In this blog, I am going to explain Variable Type & Type Conversion in PHP.variable type depends on the value of currently holds means when you declare a variable in…

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PHP 7 Fundamental Tutorial for Beginners – PHP Switch…Case Statements?

What is PHP Switch…Case Statements Check Several Possible constant values for an expression. PHP If…Else Vs Switch…Case The switch-case statement is an alternative to the if-elseif-else statement, which does almost the same…

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How to declare PHP variables output variables quotes and more?

In this blog I am going to to how to declare PHP variable output, PHP Variables Scope, PHP Global and Local Scope, PHP Global Keyword variable quotes and more. Creating…

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How to create alternating row colors challenge in PHP?

In this blog, I am going to explain how to recreate alternating rows colors challenge in PHP. So, before creating a .php file in XAMPP/htdocs file and write code and…

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How to adding array in PHP in different ways?

In this blog I am going to explain that how to add array in PHP with different ways. I am talking about Arrays how different ways to manipulate Arrays by…

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